Can U Help Me with Birth Certificate Question??


New Member
Sep 21, 2008
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hi! i post awhile ago my problem. but i tell again. i born in indiana but my mom and dad very young! it very hard to raise child with disability so they give me to state of indiana when i 3! state of indiana give me to state of california and i go to school for deaf and i live at school for deaf. i love school for deaf! but i turn 18 and graduate high school so i have to leave school for deaf. so i move to indiana because its cheaper in indiana than california! i live in boarding house and i have 2 jobs, i very happy!! but i dont know anyone in indiana and i dont have anyone to spend holiday with so i look for my birth parents. i get my birth certificate from state health department. it only have my mom name on it! i find my mom she live only 10 minute away! so i go visit her and see if she want to be friends. but she not home so i come back and she home. but she tell me she don't have daughter that deaf. and she say that she not my mom and she tell me never to come back! so i think my birth certificate wrong. how i find my real mom? or you think she forgot about me? thank you for help!! :wave::wave:
Interesting story and I'm sorry you were having problem for finding your birth mother. I have been watching TV at WE station there was a program about Troy, the Locator who help their client about finding their relatives or friends. Here is the link I found on website.
Troy The Locator

Troys List

Perhaps you can contact him about your situation. Perhaps you'll be on TV. haha It won't hurt to try! Good Luck!
thank u!! i post ad on his website. but i worried my birth certificate wrong and i have wrong name or i worried my mom dont remember me and she dont want to be friends. lots of worry!
Welcome back. I was wondering about you other day.

I suspect the lady is actually your mother, but she probably was scared, possibly not wanting her family to know that she had another child. I don't know what to advise you, but do you have case worker/advocate or something like that working with you? If so, maybe they could contact the lady (your mother)? Maybe she will change her mind and give it another chance.
Welcome back. I was wondering about you other day.

I suspect the lady is actually your mother, but she probably was scared, possibly not wanting her family to know that she had another child. I don't know what to advise you, but do you have case worker/advocate or something like that working with you? If so, maybe they could contact the lady (your mother)? Maybe she will change her mind and give it another chance.

hi brian :wave: i thank you for responding! i happy to hear from you! i e-mailed my case worker today. that very good idea! i go to my moms house today and i leave note! i work as dishwasher at golden coral and i get free food. i tell her i meet her at golden coral and we eat for free and we get to be friends! i give her my email address to email me! i have cancer and doctor ask about my family history but i dont know my family history so i want to ask my mom! i hope she email soon! i thank you again for responding. you very good friend!