Which one is Deaf ? - YouTube
Hannah’s Story | Cochlear Implant Online
A Bilingual Cochlear Implant User! | Cochlear Implant Online
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As for answering FJ's question, those kids (in the videos) with CIs certainly do speak typically like everybody else in their own age group. I listened to all of them. Am impressed with one kid who can speak English and German, a deaf bilingual. LOL. Hannah was wonderful just like any other typical 6 year old girl. Of course, I do acknowledge that there are many others who do "sound deaf" whenever they talk while others are not like that at all. Speech intelligibility is what's important here. Skills and abilities do vary when it comes to speech clarity and enunciation, no doubt.
Go ahead and watch and listen (for those who can) to those videos the links FJ provided and tell us what you think about these kids' speech.