Calling all Diabetic

Heath said:
I am curious what kind of test will determine if I am diabetic. I just was told I was pre-diabetic. How do I know for sure ? Bloodwork lab testing ?

I try to remember , been few years since had this so sweet orange soda pop. I fasted overnight then went to lab first thing in the morning and drank sweet orange stuff and come back one or two ( I think every two hours) hours to drink another. I drank 3 or 4 time before had my blood drawn. Once found out I have diabetes then I go to doctor every 6 months to monitor my sugar thru blood work (not need to drink orange), I don't remember the name for it but check my sugar level, mine is usually under 6.9 which does not require medicine but if my sugar level is over 7.0 then need pills. Normal sugar is below 5.6 for people without diabetic if I can remember right number.

Also u need to have your trigcycle ( mispelling) check too, high trig caused diabetic. Lower trig better for your body and lower sugar.
jazzy said:
I am sorry about your sister, are u sure she has type 2 not type 1? She seems to fit in type 1. Type 1 is worst than type 2. I know alot people with type 1 and they got it when they were kids.

I hope your sister can get pregnant no problem someday. I remember someone with type 1 got pregnant, by the time she was 5 month pregnant and her baby died so they had to take him out, he was weighted 10 lbs . She can not have kids after that..I was pregnant with my second son and ended up had him 10 lbs and 11 oz. Had my sugar blood check and it was normal and had his sugar blood check it was normal. I did not know this was early sign for me to have diabetic years later. No one told me. :(

You are right, my mistakes. It is Type 1 diabetic. My apologise!! :cheers: