caffeine and bad headaches

Hear Again

New Member
Jan 21, 2005
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hi everyone,

i have a bad headache right now and i'm *not* a happy camper. i haven't gotten any sleep for the past several nights due to being manic, only got a few hours on friday night and 8 hours last night thanks to an increase in my sleep med under the on call psychiatrist's recommendation. now i've slept too much and have a headache because of it. good thing i'm manic right now because if i weren't, i'd *really* be in a ticked off mood!

have any of you had success drinking caffeine and it killing the pain of a bad headache? i know shel has, but has anyone else? i'm just curious.

<going to drink some coke classic to see if that will dull the pain>
hi everyone,

i have a bad headache right now and i'm *not* a happy camper. i haven't gotten any sleep for the past several nights due to being manic, only got a few hours on friday night and 8 hours last night thanks to an increase in my sleep med under the on call psychiatrist's recommendation. now i've slept too much and have a headache because of it. good thing i'm manic right now because if i weren't, i'd *really* be in a ticked off mood!

have any of you had success drinking caffeine and it killing the pain of a bad headache? i know shel has, but has anyone else? i'm just curious.

<going to drink some coke classic to see if that will dull the pain>

Yes. I have and so has a good friend of mine. However, it's been said that if you're overtired, the caffeine may not work. Give it a try, though. Certainly can't hurt if you're miserable.
Well, i have history of migraine headaches..due
to family hereditary but my doctor says it is
also could be caused by triggers too. mine
is family hereditary and stress trigger and
certain food additive like MSG, ugh. So i have
to be careful not to get overstressed.
Some people have food triggers like chocolate,
cheese etc., i dont.
I dont drink anything like pop as they have too
much caffeine, my doctor told me not to drink
any pop, not even diet pop. I drink mostly water.

I thought you take Imitrex, Hear again? I take it
whenever i do get a migraine, it is wonderful!
In the past, anything with caffeine never did
help me. but if it helps you, then go for it.
Im sorry you are feeling bad but im praying
for you for you to get feeling better fast!!
I truly know how you feel!!
Yes. I have and so has a good friend of mine. However, it's been said that if you're overtired, the caffeine may not work. Give it a try, though. Certainly can't hurt if you're miserable.

thanks, ocean. i've already had half a can of coke classic, but the pain still hasn't gone away. :mad2:
Well, i have history of migraine headaches..due
to family hereditary but my doctor says it is
also could be caused by triggers too. mine
is family hereditary and stress trigger and
certain food additive like MSG, ugh. So i have
to be careful not to get overstressed.
Some people have food triggers like chocolate,
cheese etc., i dont.
I dont drink anything like pop as they have too
much caffeine, my doctor told me not to drink
any pop, not even diet pop. I drink mostly water.

I thought you take Imitrex, Hear again? I take it
whenever i do get a migraine, it is wonderful!
In the past, anything with caffeine never did
help me. but if it helps you, then go for it.
Im sorry you are feeling bad but im praying
for you for you to get feeling better fast!!
I truly know how you feel!!

thanks, misty!

you're right. i do get migraines (i have a 21 year history of them) and am on imitrex. i'm also on a migraine preventative called topamax. (however, the topamax is only 25mg and will need to be raised. i just started this med recently.)

imitrex is only to be taken for migraines. it doesn't work for standard everyday headaches.

my migraines are also triggered by a variety of things including food allergies, cigarette/pipe/cigar smoke, car exhaust, dust, pollen, mold, heat, cold temperatures and changes in barometric pressure.

i'm crossing my fingers that this bad headache won't turn into a migraine. if it does though, at least i can take some imitrex.
Caffeine helps a lot with my migraines. If I have a tension headache though, it can make things worse. I usually start by drinking water, massaging my neck muscles, and then if that doesn't work, I have a cup of coffee.

Hope that helps you, Hear Again. And I hope you feel better.

i forgot to mention that i do feel overtired. (i think this is due to the side effect of my sleep med being raised.)
thanks, misty!

you're right. i do get migraines (i have a 21 year history of them) and am on imitrex. i'm also on a migraine preventative called topamax. (however, the topamax is only 25mg and will need to be raised. i just started this med recently.).

imitrex is only to be taken for migraines. it doesn't work for standard everyday headaches.

my migraines are also triggered by a variety of things including food allergies, cigarette/pipe/cigar smoke, car exhaust, dust, pollen, mold, heat, cold temperatures and changes in barometric pressure.

i'm crossing my fingers that this bad headache won't turn into a migraine. if it does though, at least i have my imitrex here.

Oh, i forgot..(what is wrong with me this morning? haha) i also take
Topamax 100MG that i take once a day as a migraine preventative,
and Propranolol 60MG (generic for Inderal) another preventative. They
do wonders as they lessen my migraines and keep me from getting
nauseous too.

What you are having is maybe a tension headache?? Yes, i sure
hope the headache dont turn into a keeping my fingers
crossed too!!
Caffeine helps a lot with my migraines. If I have a tension headache though, it can make things worse. I usually start by drinking water, massaging my neck muscles, and then if that doesn't work, I have a cup of coffee.

Hope that helps you, Hear Again. And I hope you feel better.

thanks, nika.

caffeine never works for my migraines because they are too severe.

what i have now is a bad headache. it's not a migraine because i'm not overly sensitive to sound nor do i feel like vomiting (although i do feel dizzy and nauseous).

i don't think i have a tension headache, either. what this headache is caused by is a side effect of my sleep med being raised. i feel overtired -- not stressed.

having said that, i do experience more headaches and migraines when i'm manic. my mood has been elevated for over a week now and i still feel extremely happy, restless and as if i have tons of energy. at the same time, i also feel a little agitated, but that's only because of the headache.
I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you should talk to your doctor about changing meds. <hopes you feel better>
What you are having is maybe a tension headache?? Yes, i sure
hope the headache dont turn into a keeping my fingers
crossed too!!

this could be a tension headache because of my feeling manic (i.e. elevated mood), but i don't know for sure. i have a throbbing pain above my right eye (which is typical for me whenever i have a bad headache or migraine) that won't let up. my next appointment with my new neurologist is in the beginning of february. when i see him, i might ask to be put on a higher dose of topamax (100mg or more since 100mg tends to be the standard dosage for migraine prevention) and perhaps another migraine preventative as well. i should mention that i do take a mood stabilizer (depakote) for my bipolar which is known for being a migraine med. ever since being on this med, the number of migraines i've had has been cut down. unfortunately, my med was switched recently (although i'm now back on the depakote) and that's when the migraines started happening again.
I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you should talk to your doctor about changing meds. <hopes you feel better>

i'm going to call her today. before i think about changing meds, i'm going to see if a raise in my topamax will help. i'm only on 25mg and the recommended dosage for migraine prevention is 100mg and up.
Throbbing pain above your left eye is a cluster headache. I get those a lot.

Can you switch back to dekapote?
Throbbing pain above your left eye is a cluster headache. I get those a lot.

Can you switch back to dekapote?

i'm on depakote right now because that's the only mood stabilizer that will help my bipolar. fortunately for me, it also doubles as a migraine med.

i'm having throbbing pain above my right eye, but i don't know if it's a cluster headache. i've read that pain from cluster headaches is considerably worse than a migraine. when i get a migraine, i experience nausea, vomiting, am highly sensitive to sound, i can't move and have to sleep it off.
Yes that's true. Cluster headache pain is much sharper and more concentrated. I know I often feel some artery pulsating behind/above my eye when I have a cluster headache. Is that what it feels like for you?

That's good to know. So then maybe you can up your dosage. (I just realized you posted that after I posted asking you if you were on dekapote.)
Yes that's true. Cluster headache pain is much sharper and more concentrated. I know I often feel some artery pulsating behind/above my eye when I have a cluster headache. Is that what it feels like for you?

That's good to know. So then maybe you can up your dosage. (I just realized you posted that after I posted asking you if you were on dekapote.)

yes, it does feel like that but the pain isn't sharp -- although it is concentrated in one area.

shoot. i forgot today is sunday, so i can't call my doctor. <very mad>
then again, maybe i *do* hope this turns into a migraine. then i can take my imitrex and the pain can disappear in 15 minutes.

by the way, i just finished my coke classic, but i'm still in pain. i had a funny feeling the caffeine wouldn't help.
hi again everyone,

well it looks as if this headache has finally turned into a migraine. i'm extremely sound sensitive and feel ill. i'm going to take an imitrex and the pain should be gone in 15 minutes.

thanks for your replies! :)
Probably dosent help now... But if i dont drink a coke i get a headache sometimes, and coke helps, as does some protien sometimes.
hi again everyone,

well it looks as if this headache has finally turned into a migraine. i'm extremely sound sensitive and feel ill. i'm going to take an imitrex and the pain should be gone in 15 minutes.

thanks for your replies! :)

Oh, that bites. I hope your imitrex does the trick, Hear Again. :hug: