Bush Supporters, come here!

Meg said:
I didnt say ALL Bush supporters would do that. I said some would do it.

I dont hate Bush but I dont support him either.

I do see many Bush lovers gloating at me so this goes both ways but dont take it personally. I m not referring to you, Reba..youre one of the most classiest ladies on AD.

You do take it personally here!
*joins you guys for a drink* I need to drown my feelings.


BTW: Congrats folks!
Whoo! Bush won!! Whoo!

I will give my respects to Kerry if he wins.. Kerry have good point of saying " don't divide this country and unite together to support America "
(thanks Deaf258 and FitnessFreak :ty: )

I just like to point out something that I found generally surprisingly interesting during the election night...the interviews and majority of the soldiers stationed in Iraq voicing their own support for President Bush. :cool: