BTE for mild/mod - suggestions ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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Hi everyone !!

I currently use a Phonak MAXX 211 for my mild/mod (it's weird and does flux-y things)

I like the MAXX but it's "entry level" and very basic OTM ... 1 listening program, no blend for O&T (say for an FM system in class?)

I've had it for about 5 years ... and am pondering getting something different that works better for me - originally we weren't even sure if I'd like it or not ... so I didn't order anything "super wonderful", just something basic.

The one catch is that it has to have a fitting range starting at "mild" and going to severe.

I'm looking for something with multiple listening programs, that would work better in a noisy environment. MUST have Tcoil.

Suggestions ???
Hit up Phonak - life is on and see what other hearing aids they offer (they have a bunch, whoa). Or the Oticon website. I don't know if you have a preference to which company to use, or style, etc. Sometimes it's just fun to go to the actual websites, look at their products and compare the hearing aids. With Phonak, they do list the max dB gain, programming options, etc. with their products. I don't know if Oticon does. :)
I've only ever used Phonak ... so I don't really have a preference lol

I think my Audie was sure I'd just hate the BTE and never use it ... so we never really discussed models and brands. The only thing we did take into account was that the MAXX was CROS/biCROS compatible ... since I have profound (120db) loss on the other side. I don't care about CROS so that's no longer a factor in my HA choice.

did you find out how much the Nadia (sp?) is ??

I think the MAXX was about $1100.00CDN but I can't remember.

Oh and I'm look for traditional fitting, I can't do an open fitting (I don't 'multi sound process' well - so it's either "all through the BTE" or "naked" (no BTE at all)

Yes... I'm odd -and my hearing is odd as well lol
I have the Phonak Una and it was somewhere in between 1200-1400 I think. The features are listed below for you. It is a really good aid i think! I have never had any probs so far with it..other than my cat stealing it and having to get a new one. lol :)

4 channel gain and MPO shaping
4 independent manual programs
2 full choice listening programs
2 input selection-only program
dWDRC signal processing
Design integrated FM or microMLxS- I have one of the design integrated fm recievers for my ha it's nice:)
SlimTube option™- I use a regular ear mold :)
Digital Noise Canceler
I have the Phonak Una and it was somewhere in between 1200-1400 I think. The features are listed below for you. It is a really good aid i think! I have never had any probs so far with it..other than my cat stealing it and having to get a new one. lol :)

4 channel gain and MPO shaping
4 independent manual programs
2 full choice listening programs
2 input selection-only program
dWDRC signal processing
Design integrated FM or microMLxS- I have one of the design integrated fm recievers for my ha it's nice:)
SlimTube option™- I use a regular ear mold :)
Digital Noise Canceler

What did you have before the Una ?? If anything
I've had Phonak analogs until Jan. 2001 when I got the Claro, then I got the Supero May 2004, and then hopefully soon the Naida. Online the Naida came up to be about $2200ish, but I'll find out for sure from my audiologist on Thursday.