Being Deaf:GIZMODO: How Different the World Is Without Hearing


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Feb 14, 2012
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Being Deaf: How Different the World Is Without Hearing

Tries to explain to hearies how the world works for the Deaf. Sadly is from the perspective of view point of someone who says " I don't identify with Deaf culture, which takes pride in being deaf. I accept that deafness is part of me, but it's just there." and and says "only good access service I've ever gotten is Cued Speech."

A lot of stuff in the artice gets me fired up. Makes me want to go all GRRRRRRRRRRR! I feel like someone should write a counter article that presents deafness from the perspective of someone immersed in Deaf Culture.

Until that time, Deep Breaths!
I feel sorry for him. What made his life lonely was his own ignorance.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

This article says far more about this individual's lack of self confidence and decision to isolate (and continue to isolate) them self, than it does about what it's like to "not hear".

Not only does he seem isolated, but ignorant about both CI/HA technology as well as Assistive Technologies and services available - things which have been available for years, even decades.

He also is misinformed that deaf people are more likely to have deaf children - in fact only 10-12% of deaf or hoh children are born to Deaf ... If he wants to avoid "deaf kids" he should avoid statistically) a relationship with a hearing person.
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I'm skimming through, wtf is wrong with finding a deaf girl and what if, man and I can barely write this keep having to back up and retype, okay, I'm just hoh and i'm in tears pissed, if you had to read this without the corrections it would b hard!!!! Going back to read more, but i"m not sure I want to... It's just his point of view and opinions, everyone is entitled to it. But how could you could exclude, just wow, okay I just have to shut up before I say stuff I know nothing about..... Cause i guess I really don't. But i was interested in a deaf guy once when I could still hear good, I would have been hurt I guess if he wouldn't have given me the time of day because I wasn't fully deaf. He did give me the time of day, he was a jerk lol, but still.
I'm skimming through, wtf is wrong with finding a deaf girl and what if, man and I can barely write this keep having to back up and retype, okay, I'm just hoh and i'm in tears pissed, if you had to read this without the corrections it would b hard!!!! Going back to read more, but i"m not sure I want to... It's just his point of view and opinions, everyone is entitled to it. But how could you could exclude, just wow, okay I just have to shut up before I say stuff I know nothing about..... Cause i guess I really don't. But i was interested in a deaf guy once when I could still hear good, I would have been hurt I guess if he wouldn't have given me the time of day because I wasn't fully deaf. He did give me the time of day, he was a jerk lol, but still.

You might want to have a look through this thread, and you will find a lot of information to help with your adjustment, and help you know more about deaf culture.

There are really plenty of full deaf people who won't give oral, late deafened, or hoh the time of day.

Some will, some won't. You just have to find your niche and a group that accepts you.

It's nothing to cry about, although I understand it is tough being late deafened.

But that is what the thread I posted for you was created for.

You might want to have a look through this thread, and you will find a lot of information to help with your adjustment, and help you know more about deaf culture.

There are really plenty of full deaf people who won't give oral, late deafened, or hoh the time of day.

Some will, some won't. You just have to find your niche and a group that accepts you.

It's nothing to cry about, although I understand it is tough being late deafened.

But that is what the thread I posted for you was created for.

Growing up with disabled people in my family that I have been really close to and lost/or I'm still taking care of their needs, I can see what the world thinks of people that aren't up to their standards. So I can even be bitter at times. It's tough because it's almost like I'm not the one becoming deaf, everyone around me is..... you are so nice. With the life I've lived I'm pretty tough, although I have my moments. Thank you so much for your help, I will do exactly what you've suggested!!! Oh, and the tears were because I figured out something even though it was one of my more painful days. :)