Back from the Audi


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Mar 28, 2013
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Just back from my 9am audiologist apt and here is what we came up with. I have a mild to moderate loss in both ears. Both ears are testing at 35-50Db. We called my insurance company and they said we can't apply a hearing aid towards my deductible and then order two new ones at the same time. There needs to 90 days between claims. So my audiologist said, lets apply these to the deductible and get u a second CIC. Then in 3 months I can go back and she will order the Aquaris which will be 100% covered by insurance. This way I will have a pair of back ups and the BTEs that will last me for a very long time. (hopefully) My flex spending will cover the second HA so I am all good. I'm feeling a little nervous about the hearing loss in my left. Nervous that it will keep dropping and I will eventually go profoundly deaf but right now I am accepting what it is that I have and from there. . . I will move on.
Always good to have a back up pair. I've got 2 pairs of Phonak Naida UPs and I was given a pair of Phonak Ok! Plus UPs as well :)
Mild to Moderate, I think that's a little less than what I have.

If you don't mind me asking, what caused your hearing loss?
They are looking for answers but it is most likely genetics. My fathers side of the family has progressive hearing loss.