AT&T Don't Text While Driving Documentary (Closed Captioned)


Sherlock Hound
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2004
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[ame=]YouTube - AT&T Don't Text While Driving Documentary (Closed Captioned)[/ame]

AT&T's Txtng & Drivng Campaign Urges Consumers That 'It Can Wait. This documentary featuring families affected by texting while behind the wheel is being distributed to educators, government officials, safety organizations and public as part of a educational awareness campaign.

Thank you for getting FB s post from Dismal Shadow.
Yes, that's good, but maybe they can also include an announcement to WEAR YOUR SEATBELT!
Wow!! That was eye-opening. I am glad I do not do that. My kids have seen this and have said they will not do that.
Yes, that's good, but maybe they can also include an announcement to WEAR YOUR SEATBELT!

Ok, that's wrong! Don't get me wrong, that's what I was thinking too, but you said it, so that's wrong! :giggle:

Good post, I don't text while driving, I don't talk on the phone while driving either. It's not just because I know they're both unsafe to do or that it's illegal, it's mostly because it takes time away my shopping on my ebay iphone app while driving.
Being completely honest that used to be me and I would text all the time while I was driving and I can't say it was something horrific that made me stop. I got a new car and its a standard, and with having to drive with both hands I just couldn't do it anymore unless I was at a light and stopped because I don't have to shift gears. Guess in a way my car saved mine or someone else's life.
Texting and driving is just as dangerous and drinking and driving. Many states, including Arkansas, have passed legislation that has made texting while driving an offense that can be punishable by fines. In Arkansas if you cause an accident and they suspect that you were texting while driving, they will subpoena your phone records as part of the investigation. They won't know what the content is but they check the phone logs to see when the last communications went in or out from that phone. If it was at the time of the accident, you are held responsible for the accident. If you cause an accident that kills someone you are charged with involuntary manslaughter usually though it ranges from manslaughter to vehicular manslaughter depending upon how the state wants to prosecute it. The person usually spends 1-5 years in prison and is on probation for some odd years thereafter. There have been a few cases like these in Arkansas. I don't know the specifics but I am going by what I read in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette.
And to quit fiddling with the radio and pay attention to the road, dammit.

When I was in high school a boy had his brand new Jeep loaded with his friends. He was playing with the radio when he went off into the ditch, swerved, fish tailed the Jeep and ended up rolling it 3 times. Luckily no one was seriously hurt.

He begged his mom for another Jeep but she said if you want a new Jeep, get a job and get one! He had to bum rides around with his friends until Spring Break when he came up with a 92' Wrangler - as soon as he bought it his dad went and had the radio ripped out. Speakers and all. His parents cosigned for the loan so they justified it by saying the Jeep was also theirs until it was paid off.

I'm thinking he definitely learned his lesson! He just never had a radio in his vehicle after that.

However when he graduated the following school year, his parents presented him with a brand spanking new Grand Cherokee, and later bought the 92' from him. His dad uses the Wrangler as a deer camp vehicle.
Yes, that's good, but maybe they can also include an announcement to WEAR YOUR SEATBELT!

sometimes the impact is so strong that your seat belt broke. The sewed slack on seatbelt is designed to rip apart for extra 3" slack after certain speed.
I do txt while driving but very infrequently and very briefly. I mainly reply back but only for important stuff. I do pull over if txting requires my full attention or if I have to type a long message.

If it's a friend txting me something like - wassup?... I don't bother. If I keep receiving from him/her, I reply back with - "talk later"

Beside - I don't do txting like these young'uns with ADD-like behavior anyway. They know I'm not too fond of txting. I never really understood the txting addiction. How can they be so glued to their txting 24/7 especially when they're out with friends :dunno: It's so rude.
November of last year, my boss's son Andy picked me up and ready go to work. He did texting and drive same time that scared me hell out of it but he is aggressive and reckless driver... but luckily no accident that time.
I have gotten into huge arguments with people who text while driving. I think it is very bad behavior because it disregards the safety of everyone on the road.
I have gotten into huge arguments with people who text while driving. I think it is very bad behavior because it disregards the safety of everyone on the road.

You got that right, man!
I have gotten into huge arguments with people who text while driving. I think it is very bad behavior because it disregards the safety of everyone on the road.

if it's you riding in friend's car as a passenger, don't bother arguing. Simply say your piece and don't ride with him next time.
if it's you riding in friend's car as a passenger, don't bother arguing. Simply say your piece and don't ride with him next time.
It was my truck and I was the passenger.
I don't let anyone else drive my truck but me. If they were driving and texting in my vehicle, that's grounds to get left on the side of the road.