ASL Project...please help


New Member
Apr 9, 2006
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Please answer the following questions for me, it will be greatly appreciated

Name and age/place of birth/where raised & current residence Age and cause of deafness Person deaf or DEAF

How did you communicate with this person? What is the persons preferred mode of communicationV If uses sign language-what age was it introduced? If uses interpreters-for what reasons?

Family Background Family or Origin (parents, siblings, etc.) History of Deafness in Family Current family (if different) How did family communicate/how does current family communicate?

Communication modes used
Schools attended

Types of jobs held- current employment If not employed what would like to do

Interviewee's attitude about: His/her own deafness Interpreters - example, preferences Deaf Service Centers Americans with Disabilities Act Choose on of the following:
Mainstream vs. residential schools
Cochlear implants
Social Services for Deaf Individuals

Plans or goals for the future/accomplishments hoped for?
Name and age/place of birth/where raised & current residence Age and cause of deafness Person deaf or DEAF
Name: Audra Age: 38 Place of birth: Florida...Raised in Alabama..and current residence is Oklahoma. I was born deaf because my mother had german measles.

How did you communicate with this person? What is the persons preferred mode of communicationV If uses sign language-what age was it introduced? If uses interpreters-for what reasons?
I communicate with hearing people by using my voice..I speak very well..Once in awhile, I write note to them for communication if I dont understand or whatever....I communicate with deaf people by using ASL sign language...I grew up signed in English Sign Language until age 20...then learned ASL ever since...I use interpreters for meetings, counseling, and medical doctor...but I usually dont rely on interpreter when I see my physical doctor...It just depends on situation whether if I need interpreter or not...

Family Background Family or Origin (parents, siblings, etc.) History of Deafness in Family Current family (if different) How did family communicate/how does current family communicate?
My parents are married for 40 years now...I am the oldest, have one sister and one brother. My sister is married to the minister with 4 children. My brother is married and has 1 little girl and 1 baby that was born recently...I was married for two years to deaf man and I divorced him! (Im glad I did)

There is no history of deafness on my Father's side of family and Mother's side of family however I have a cousin who is hard of hearing...she is much older than I am...She has different father with my aunt...then my aunt married to my uncle...anyway, my aunt raised her in orally 100%...

My parents and my sister both signed until I was 8 years old...The mainstreaming school teacher advised my parents to stop using signing at home and force me to learn lip reading and talk with my voice...but allow me to sign at school...My parents regret it today...they wished they didnt stop signing...but they thought what was the best for me...they were in alkward position for not being awared of deaf issues...Today and ever since, I use my voice with my family...I dont have any problem with it at all...My family and I are very close.

Communication modes used Schools attended Education
I went to preschool for the deaf from age 3 to 5...went to mainstreaming school from age 6 to 11...went to Baptist private school for 3 years then went to Independent Methodist School for 6 years and graduated at age 19 there in 1987...

Long story short...When I was at mainstreaming school...the teachers lost track for not paying attention to which grade I was supposed to be in...they told my parents I was in 4 or 5 parents were very upset and put me out of there in January and attended at Baptist private school to catch up with my grades...It was a big mess...not my fault, not my parents but these teachers fault! I personally believe one of the teacher who abused me...did it on purpose and hid my grade form...I saw her had the grade form in her hand before she went to the meeting...I later discovered that my parents never saw the grade form! That's why I was one year behind bec of this! I was embarrassed to graduate at age 19!

Types of jobs held- current employment If not employed what would like to do
I dont want to give details...I worked for schools as Paraprofessional (teacher's assistance) for couple of years...Right now, I am not working...I needed a break...I would like to work for Vet...I love animals! :D

Interviewee's attitude about: His/her own deafness Interpreters - example, preferences Deaf Service Centers Americans with Disabilities Act Choose on of the following:
Mainstream vs. residential schools
I support mianstream school not deaf institute school...

Cochlear implants
I support Cochlear implant..plan to get one! :D Ive worn hearing aids all my life so I am open mind about this...

Social Services for Deaf Individuals
I dont socialize with deaf community here in Oklahoma...I do have deaf friends from other states...I am comfy here at AllDeaf Forum bec this is friendly deafies here!

Plans or goals for the future/accomplishments hoped for?

:D I would like to get married and start with family...get cochlear implant or ear surgery to be hearing...get involved with church fight for deaf pedophiles to stay in jail and not get probation and walk free...I would like to learn how to play ice hockey since I love hockey! :naughty: