Ask AVWDNG29 anything...and i mean anything :)

Done anything recently that made you feel like one guilty dawg? :D
What kind?

oo well my favorite are about the holocaust ww2
mmm but i also like humor books and just anything with a cover that sparks my interest

some of my favorites are
kaffir boy
tree grows in brooklyn
the catcher in the rye or and the rye *its been awhile* :P
mm to kill a mockingbird
and theres a series by an english(british) author that i love that makes me laugh :) but i forgot who it was :P
oo well my favorite are about the holocaust ww2
mmm but i also like humor books and just anything with a cover that sparks my interest

some of my favorites are
kaffir boy
tree grows in brooklyn
the catcher in the rye or and the rye *its been awhile* :P
mm to kill a mockingbird
and theres a series by an english(british) author that i love that makes me laugh :) but i forgot who it was :P

I love ww2 and Anne Frank