Ashley's CI surgery

She has her daddy's metabolism. He is very small. She is just going to be petite I think. She has come a very long way from 15 ounces and 10 1/4 inches at birth to 14lbs 9oz and 29 inches now at 18 months.
Are they just monitoring her weight issues? It's probaly just b/c she's a preemie, and that pop seems to be very high risk for failure to thrive.
She is 18 months old now and does everything but walk and talk. She is trying to walk a little. With help any way. She has quite a few sensory issues that hold her back with some things

Kayla did'nt walk until she was about 20 months either. It was due to her hearing loss because of her equalibrium(not sure about that I was getting nervous for awhile there, but sure enough she started walking at about 20 months. The fact that Ashley is trying to walk is a good sign.
I know she will do things in her own time. I get a little impatient at times and have to take a step back. Thanks for your story kayla123. I tend to worry to easy. I forget how strong and smart Ashley is and is getting.DD, yes they are just watching her to make sure she is not loosing any weight. Being small runs in her daddy's family. I am looking into an eating clinic at the children's hospital in Richmond, VA. to see if they can help with her issues with solid foods.
Yeah, Ashley'smommy, I didn't walk til I was two either. I think its too hard and too early to tell whether the delays are physical (ie caused by muscle or equilibrarum issues), or mental (ie caused by MR or learning disablity issues)
But the fact that she's doing almost everything but walking and talking, is an AWESOME AWESOME sign.I cant remember off the top of my head, but I think that blind and low vision kids might be delayed in walking in general. I'll ask a friend of mine, who might have some friends at Perkins School for the Blind.