Are you the only or the first deaf person in ur entire family?

I'm the first one in my family to be born deaf, though my dad has some hearing loss from an ear infection he got earlier in life. I have a speculation, though there's nothing to back it up really, that there might be a gene for vulnerability to ear infections in the family since I also have to protect my ears from contacting water. The only other example would be my grandfather whose hearing isn't perfect, but that's probably the effects of old age.
I'm the first one in my family to be born deaf, though my dad has some hearing loss from an ear infection he got earlier in life. I have a speculation, though there's nothing to back it up really, that there might be a gene for vulnerability to ear infections in the family since I also have to protect my ears from contacting water. The only other example would be my grandfather whose hearing isn't perfect, but that's probably the effects of old age.

One way to find out: Have more than 2 children, and see if they're deaf/hearing or not.
lol, I probably won't be doing that, hahaha

You never know. and if you do have children, you'll be able to construct the 7.012 pedigree charts to your heart's content! :P Can't be that hard as the biochemistry and cellular respiration parts you were complaining to me about. xD
my family is relate my one brother and 2 sister but only i am deaf! hard to communication my personal hard to parents difficult!
I'm the first and only deaf one in my family. I'm not sure if it's due to genetics but I'll probably do some tests when I'm older to find out.
hereditary in my family. I am the only one that knows ASL. My neice wants me to teach her, she is progressively going deaf.