anyone wiht deaf/ FMS still working??


New Member
Jul 29, 2006
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Hi I am kinda new to this so I am going to straight out to ask, does anyone who is deaf or hard of hearing with FMS (fibromiga) still working? WOrk full time? How do you cope with it? I work at Kohls as supervisor... so been wondering if anyone out there with FMS....
I have FMS as well.

I find working beneficial rather than staying home. It keeps my mind off physical pain and fatigue although my job can be stressful which isn't good for FMS but I would rather continue working and feeling productive than do nothing.

PM me if need support. Smile
That is good!! ME TOO I do prefer to work than sitting at home. I do need to keep moving. But where i work it does not have stable hours so soon I get back from vacation, will look for a job. Notice nights is my weakness than in the morning have hard time. :fingersx: