Anyone use Phonak Audeo or Widex?


New Member
May 25, 2009
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Hey hey! I have a high-frequency hearing loss, and am looking at getting a hearing aid now. My audiologist recommended either the Phonak Audeo or one of the Widex m-series models. We're going to do a comparison test soon.

I was wondering if anyone here has tried one of these out, and what their experiences have been.

I'm 35, and started losing my hearing last year (Meniere's.) I have some problems with high-frequency sounds being uncomfortable or painful as well. Has anyone else with high-frequency loss and oversensitivity to high frequencies had good results with transposition aids?
the guy where i graze my horse wears audeos he likes them and the sound quailty is something he commented on he is late deafed
I also have the most hearing loss in the high frequencies. I used to have Phonak HA's, but switched to Widex Inteo about 3 years ago. The Inteo has been a very good HA for me, but I'm sure the technology has advanced since I got it.

I have a doc in Phoenix that has prescribed Namenda (an Alzheimer's drug) for the hyperacusis. It seems to have worked for the most part, although if I overstimulate my ear, the hyperacusis will flare up.

I had widex senso and loved it, coming from analouge for 20 years then changed to digital was a very smooth transition, I had the widex for 8 years before it gave up it's life (the HA had been round the world on a yacht, through the worst of the storms, getting wet every weekend when I was on the yacht, racing, it never broke down until in the last year of it's life) I went through 3 different HA's with was nothing like the widex before going for cochlear implant. Now I have CI on one ear and Phonak Supero on other ear (I have only had it 3 weeks and it's a lot better than unitron analouge hearing aid.)