Anyone know information on deaf events in paris, france?


New Member
May 25, 2005
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I am wondering if anyone has knowledge on how I can meet any french deafies when my friend and I travel to paris, france at the end of july. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!!!!!! :cheers:
check out the deaf schools?

I found this dead meeting forum maybe you can stir up some stuff there or find links from there? (

Or translate "Deaf hangouts" to French and google it up??

I rememebered my deaf boss talking about going to Paris and she complained that Deaf over there was generally looked down. She spoke of an incident where she tried to order a drink of coffee from a Parisan cafe by writing down her order but the cashier refused to read it and told her that she had to speak in French to get her drink. She was upset because she didn't know French so she had to turn to person behind her and asked him to translate and speak for her. She was upset about this because the cashier still refuses even though she ordered in English orally! BUt then it may be because she was obviously an American??