Anyone here with Menieres?


New Member
Aug 15, 2007
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Hi! I was just curious to know if anyone here has Menieres. I do. I lost my hearing from Menieres in 2004. I still feel even though I lost my hearing after I learned to talk, read lips and was a hearing person before, I am still part of the deaf community also. I think to be able to adapt to society in a hearing world is something to be proud of! Take care and have a nice day! (((hugs)))
Hi! I was just curious to know if anyone here has Menieres. I do. I lost my hearing from Menieres in 2004. I still feel even though I lost my hearing after I learned to talk, read lips and was a hearing person before, I am still part of the deaf community also. I think to be able to adapt to society in a hearing world is something to be proud of! Take care and have a nice day! (((hugs)))

I do have Meniere's Disease. I just found out that I have it last year when I went to doctor. I think i had it since 97 accident. My sister had it since she was 9 yrs old. so maybe it is in our genes, we dont know but i know it started in 97 and now my left ear is fully deaf and my right ear is declining. I was born deaf but am HOH as I can talk and hear. I might be deaf fully one day... :)

Are you on any medications? i am on 2 medications for meniere's Disease. they do help but not fully as well as I would like to.. maybe one day? :)
I am taking Dyazide, a diuretic to keep the fluid down and the vertigo away. I also take Tylenol when my ears bother me from the weather. stress etc. What medications do you take?