Anyone here an ex Scientologist?

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Thanks XB, and yeah I count myself lucky in more ways than one.

Was my story that interesting to you all?

One question i had been asking in some has been bothering me most.... no one are able to answer.... Who Created GOD???
Wow, your story is so FASCINATE me!

Thank that good thing that your ex leader religion was not involved the odd/ strange religion like heavengate or waco. ;)

L Ron was an odd one himself, but I guess his successors are more dangerous than he ever was. And the emerging folks in charge appear to embrace these traits.

So maybe the worst is yet to come??
Thorwstones, just an explaination...............we don't like people coming into a thread and being witnessed to, when it has nothing to DO with the topic of the thread! This is about Scienctology, NOT which Savoir is correct!
Pacman --

You disagree with GOD's word not me. It comes from the Bible that God is an author of the bible. You have to tell GOD that You disagree with HIM. God will give you an challenge. I personally believe that GOD's sign will show you in many ways here on the earth. Wink! :fingersx:

God spake the words. Men wrote the book.
No, I don't believe in all God, though.

Also, I believe in evolution. ;)

What about the idea that God created evolution and there is no disagreement with each other? ;)

Oh my, I just disgressed from the topic... :X


The South Park show was really the first time I ever heard of Scientology. they must've been unsuccessful reaching me. ;)
You know Thorwstones, you are not encouraging people to seek the word. I mean you just sound like one of those street preachers. You know........most people in the US ALREADY KNOW about Christianity. Even athiests, even Jewish people..............
You know Thorwstones, you are not encouraging people to seek the word. I mean you just sound like one of those street preachers. You know........most people in the US ALREADY KNOW about Christianity. Even athiests, even Jewish people..............

QFT. Take it to where the sun don't shine. :p

There's a reason why Muslims don't really advertise their religion. They let people come to Islam.
QFT. Take it to where the sun don't shine. :p

There's a reason why Muslims don't really advertise their religion. They let people come to Islam. wonder I feel more relaxed around people of other religions other than Catholic and Christians ebven though iam a baptized Catholic. I just don't like people constantly talking about religion and God in every conversation. Once in a while, I don't mind but all the time, I lose interest. Iam just more interested in other stuff ...not that it is wrong if people r into religion or anything. Just I like to talk about a variety of other things.
Yeah, I used to talk about religion all the time during the first quarter in RIT. But I toned it down over time. But doing that made me a lot less "smart" with religion (and a slight disconnection from my fellow Jew/Muslim friends). Debating it over the net brought me to reflect more and more on religion. I find it so useful really. I know it gets a bit... stale... if religion were to be talked all the time. That's why I keep conversations different everyday. Every once in a while, we would end up with an interesting religious topic. Knowing it would get all hot, I always play different roles in the circle table to appeal to everyone's ideas. But that leads to the topic of "truth". We all say "We do not know the truth" or "There is no truth" but people will always argue insisting there is a truth, we are just too blind to see it. :p It goes on...
What does QFT mean?
And besides, the "god is love" verse in the Bible states that you cannot experiance love without knowing God, for God is love. Knowing the essense and experiance of love is knowing God.
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