Anyone else have this happen to them? Pls read!!


New Member
Aug 30, 2006
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Anyway, until 8 years ago, I had been getting tubes in my ears since I was little and that is many years, trust me, then something happened to my specialist at that time and he can't operate anymore since it involved an accident to his hands. I truly miss the after that, it was going from one specialist to another just to try and get to know everyone and to keep my ear tubes going. I had to get a new tube put in every year. But since 98 it's been the same tube in my right ear. My left ear is perforated, gone and not able to hear out of it anymore and my right is going slowly. My specialist I have now is great, and today, he finally pulled the old tube out because this year has been the worst for infections and we felt that it was long overdue to take it out, so as soon as he took my tube out and suctioned my ear, I put my hearing aid in and ever since then I can't hear barely, I'm already severly hard of hearing but it's worse than it was when the tube was in this afternoon...he doesn't know why either cause all he did was pull it out and suction. I am now on antibiotics and will see him in 3 weeks to see how my ear has healed and if it's better enough to get another tube in again, since today isn't good due to infection. Anyone else have this happen??? Sucks! :ugh:
You mean that you had to replace tubes often by surgery? If so, my brother knows more than I do about this because he have to have tubes due to water so that's why. Last surgery he has for replacement is last year but he's doing great right now.. just being into music and sports like usual! :giggle: My brother David is 17 by the way.

I had tubes in both of my ears a long time ago. When they pulled them out, they also did a thorough vacuuming job. Before and after hearing did not change as was expected for me. Sorry to hear about your experience. It sounds like you have a good specialist so I hope they can figure out what happened. My best to you and will be praying too!

I had tubes in my ears when i was toodler but it comes out by about I was 3 years old. I still deaf thosefore my left ear hearing getting deaf.
My son had tubes when he was a year old in his ears due to the fact that he kept getting ear infections often. with tubes it really helped not getting him sick with ear infection. till it came out when he was almost 4 and we had to wait n see if it worked.. but nope he kept getting sick with ear infections so TJ had to have another tubes put in and it worked.
Since then.. now the tube on his left one is out.. and other one on his right ear i think is still inside. he is 7 yrs old now.. his hearing is fine.. he is hearing.. he didnt have any problems..
now? he doesnt have ear infections often like he did when he was young.. strange? I found out I was the same as my son TJ.. i kept getting sick with ear infections when i was young.. why?? its due to SMOKING.. we both are allergic to smoking.. go figures.. jeez..

I hope it is only infection that is bothering your ears.. just wait n see how it goes.. maybe it will get better. and u will be able to hear again. when im sick with ear infections.. i barely can hear good even with hearing aid so i take it off till i get better then put it back on.. maybe it is only cuz its trying to heal?? for now do not wear hearing aid.. let it heal, ok?? :) meanwhile I will keep ya in my prayers, ok.. God bless you. :)
Thanks everyone..:) I will keep using my ear drops and see
if that helps too. It's probably because it's infected still.
Hope my hearing comes back the way it used to be...
Yes. A picture was taken of me dozing off after the outpatient surgery in my little blue dress as a 2 year old, although I don't remember anything about it at all.

Speedy recovery!
Intersting :) .

When I was young that my ears are keep get an infection all the times. The nurse think it came from the water so it had to proctetioin (sp) my ears no more to get an infection but it still till finally it stopped back in 1997. So, it make me wondering where I get an infection came from I dont know. Now I havent got an infection since 1997 till now still no infection. When I was 4 or 5 yrs old the tube went in my ears with the water to get all dirty wax out of my ears at junior school ECD. But some of you said tube is in ear havent got out it is new to me.:dunno:
Well, it's been well over a month since that happened and nothing has
changed! My hearing has gone down, I had a hearing test done,
it shows that there has been quite a change. I have an appointment
with the specialist again, on the 8th, so we'll know more after that.
I hate this!
Sorry that the recent outcome wasn't what you had hoped for, but in the meantime, hang in there and hopefully there will be some good 'news' down the road for you! ;)

that sucks, I hope you would be ok , you are a strong lady to be willing to share about this issue!

I hope this helps you a lot. How is your ear ?