any girl that 16-17

because internet dangerous place and not all
men quite what they seem to be.
I think thak what Deafcaver mean anyway?

That is very very true. But some times on rare times that isn't the case lol. I was one of those... Met my wife on the net and I wasn't some old psycho creep lol.
My cousin met his wife through on-line dating. He's not a psycho either.
People who find someone through online dating are not psychos. People who are 40 and try to meet 16 year olds on the Internet are psychos. People who use forums as a dating site need to realize that forums aren't dating sites.
I am sorry..I am WAYYYYYYY older than 17 years old. Oh, to be 17 again!
i am only 16 year old and born on April 12 1993

I encourage you to post more here in order to get to know each of us. who knows you ll meet awesome people who are close to your ages. Hope you know this forum is a place to chat and have fun.

Keep posting!