any Deaf cyclists on this forum?


New Member
Nov 17, 2009
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Hi there,

Was wondering if there are any Deaf cyclists here, racing or recreational...

I am a bike racer - represented NZ at Deaflympics

visit my blog at: Daniel Carruthers

My roommate is a deaf cyclist. He has several bikes of his own. He's currently training in all sorts of weather. You name it, hail, snow, bitch of a rain, etc. He has been riding to work at 4:30am-6am. It's winter time around here, so usually at that time of the morning the temperatures are 10-30degrees F (-12c to -1c)

We live in a town where there are a ton of mountains right near where we live. There's some pretty steep routes that my roommate lives to ride. It's like candy to him.

He's training himself for the deaflympics and the world deaf cycle championships. He's pretty pissed off that he couldn't get onto the US Team due to massive failure of "touching bases" with the higher uppers in the US Cycling team. So his current goal is to just demolish the competition to tell the US Cycling team "Yo, WAKE UP."

I watch him train and all, his average cadence is around 95 rpms, and he puts out so much wattage that I think I should just hook up a generator to his bikes when he trains indoors. :D

When he hits the spotlight, you will know.
PFH - send my love to him. good luck to him to get into Olympics!