Another Hi there...


New Member
Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hey there,

I think i'll be browsing this forum for quite a bit in the future, and knowing the chattering chap I am I'll probably not be able to resist posting random chatter and asking people for advice at times, so I thought i'd sign up right away.

I'm not deaf. Never was really either, except for last summer when I cought a cold while on a road trip through the mountains which kind of messed up my hearing for two weeks. The experience wasn't that bad for me... it was mostly a mild nuisance not comparable to anything you guys experience daily. But it did spark my interest somehow, and it stuck with me up to the point where it has become the subject of my research and development project for my schools finals where i'm mayoring in communication & multimedia design. In short, for this I want to discover what exactly the impact is of the virtual world on the deaf and hard of hearing, and in the end I want to develop a solution for those parts that need improvement. But since this scene is a total mystery to me, except for the tons of medical and scientific research I've been browsing through, I though the best way to get in touch is by joining you guys and getting comfy in the crowd.

I hope I'm not offending anyone by barging in like this though...
thanks tweety!
I couldn't help myself, so I've already dropped myself into the waves with some bloody chattering.
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Don't feel like you're offending anyone here in AD...but do enjoy your stay here in AD! ;)

Have a great day! :wave:

:welcome: To All Deaf Paddy!!
I'm hearing myself & no I'm sure your not offending anyone here.
Have Fun Posting &
Enjoy Your Stay Here:thumb:
to AD.. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)
No offense taken! Welcome to AD!!! :thumb: