Angrily Eyes and Depressing Happily (dark poem)


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May 11, 2007
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"Angrily Eyes and Depressing Happily"
Written by Mann_K05
Updated: Jan 19, 2007

I felt many worms crawling in my stomach,
I grinned, I did not feel anything.
All of my precious blood slid down on my peach cheek,
My skull was somewhat smashed,
I did not feel anything.
I could feel that my wholesome skin was so tight,
I could not feel any pain yet I grinned.
My right arm ripped off from my shoulder,
My hip and two legs were awfully damaged by numerous slashing,
I did not even care.
I lay down and was very joyful,
I still grinned yet I would never love myself,
I shuddered excitedly,
I made my eyes became fully awake.
I finally cried out to say, "Thank you!" as
Someone mauled my face with a heavy ax.
I was now freed!
Another Dark Poem

!! - If you don't like those disturbed/horror poems, don't read them.
You don't have to read them, really. - !!

Yeah, I'm a such disturbed writer...

I found my very old poem

"I Just Can't Tell Why"
By Jessie B
Updated: October 18, 2001

It was a Halloween day.

I felt my little troll in my stomach, I felt so empty.

A pregnancy, my womb, it wouldn't tell me why.

What if the little creature had a choice for gender?

A boy or girl? I just can't tell, I didn't care.

Will my bastard child have a beautiful face?

Will he or she be there for his or her

Family, friends, the world, and her or his descendants?

Will my little demon child be there in my life?

What if the little creature will bring to us a stillborn child?

Is my future of it's life totally wonderful?

I would pursue the steps of my inexplicable intention to those answers.

In my own future,

That thing I cannot imagine!

Now, this little imp went outside of me.

I merely put my little troll in a large pan of hot and boiling water.

I watched this thing struggled to fight for it life.

I hissed it, I cursed it, and oh, I laughed for it's tears!

It body would make a fine meal for my dear witches.

Oh, it was all she or he was good for.

That was what witch could do.

Aye, what I, myself as the witch, could do.

Widow spiders! White maggorts! Greenish-jade frogs!

Ho, ho, here I go!

I threw them in that black and rotted pan! Aha!

How excite is it, don't you think so!?

This half-breed kitten, I added to that nasty pan, was surely so-prefect food for my precious witches, my sweet bitches.

Aye aye, my dear vampires would love it!

In my own eyes, my little blob blondie, the golden dog, didn't need to stay alive for a whole of his or her life.

What's the point if I just brought it here to witness this vile world, the mortal-ass' world?

I added this cocky dog into it.

Oh, I just can't tell why.

Oh, no, I can't tell how it is so delicious for my own dinner.

My lovely witches, thank you for gave me my food.

Happy Halloween, my dear friends!

Slurp! Chomp! Ooh, yummy.

I have another dark poem, here. I don't remember if I did post some more dark poems here... I'll look whenever I have a time.

Critique is welcomed; it's not matter how big or small it is.