Amara( wants to know how to better serve the Deaf community.


Amara Ambassador
Aug 7, 2010
Reaction score
Dear everyone at,

I'm Booger Bender from Amara and I'm their manager of the Deaf/HOH department. We caption videos using crowd source and contributor power videos online. The goal is to bridge the gap between hearing and Deaf world. My colleagues and myself would like to see what the Deaf/HOH communities think about our services and how we could improve our services. I have a few questions below and please reply, Captioning the Internet is a reality today thanks to everyone supporting us and contributing. Help us help you.

1) Amara would like to know the differences between sign languages, specifically signed dialects and culture. Share how we can improve captioning videos from Sign language videos and Audio descriptive captions. You can join us in the discussion with James Bruce "This video is in Language Options" Amara Support Center : This video is in Language Options

2) Amara encourages those who are fluent in Sign Language in all forms to join us at Videos - Captions Requested | Amara
and Videos - Music Captioning | Amara
feel free to contribute videos and translate/caption signed videos for those who wish to understand signed videos that do not sign. Registration is free and everyone is welcome. We also have a Deaf/HOH group at Google as well!forum/universal-subtitles-deaf-hoh

3) we'd also like to know if Amara is performing well for everyone's needs, or if there is something we could be doing better on the program side!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and share your input. Your contribution is very valuable to our service and to our goals. Help us and other services online to caption the Internet and make it accessible to Deaf/HOH from all around the world.


Booger Bender (Dylan Mahoney)
Deaf/HOH Manager and Moderator at Amara (