

New Member
Apr 18, 2012
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Hello everyone,

I've been lurking for a bit, but figure it's time to introduce myself. I'm completely deaf in one ear and have recently confirmed my suspicions that my 16 month old daughter is hearing impaired (how profoundly we don't yet know, but she failed OAE and VROA tests--VROA at all frequencies/sounds tested and both ears). She's scheduled for an ABR in a month. She has a marvelous attitude though, just a happy giggly girl, and is picking up signs in a hurry. And my hearing husband (wonderful man that he is) has been cracking me up with the epiphanies he keeps coming up with ("whoa, sign language will be really useful when we're out on our boat" and "hey, this means we can have noisy sex and she won't know it").

Anyhow, wanted to say hi and I'm off to the parenting forum to start bombarding the community with questions!

welcome to Alldeaf, I was in the same boat like your daughter was but luckily my audis noticed I had a mild/moderate loss so I got hearing aids and worn them since I was 2 years and 6 months old!
and yeah, I still wear them as always.