AllDeaf on Sidekick


New Member
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
Hi there,

I haven't looked through entire AllDeaf but I'm wondering if you can make some of the tools such as post, reply a server-side scripting instead of client-side scripting for users with sidekicks or any other mobile devices that does not support client-side scripting.
If we are to travel on the road or out of the house and would like something to do to kill the time, I'd like to read some posting and reply to them.

How about it? Especially growing SK users among the deaf community and its neighboring relationships.
i know what u mean i hate the script plms cuz i cant figure out how to reply on those, so i just have a full screen of the actual alldeaf likethis and i can post my reply even tho maybe slow due to pictures but hey at least i can actually post thats more important to me !
I can access this site with my new sidekick II I got yesterday. The sidekick I had died last friday.

I made this entry with my sidekick II and its going to take some getting used to cause it looks mighty different than it looks on the pc.
