Alien on MARS


New Member
Feb 27, 2004
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Why can't they welcome to MARS from NASA?


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Calling Cooldeaf

Hellooooooooooo Cooldeaf,

I have visit your homepage, but i have no idea what is your language. :fingersx:
tcthye said:
Hellooooooooooo Cooldeaf,

I have visit your homepage, but i have no idea what is your language. :fingersx:

Hello tcthye

tunes my homepage text is German! I want plan in the August.2004 my two homepage with English text. Mine wish the USA friend Germany! Together work does property. Or? Greet Cooldeaf
Cooldeaf said:
Hello tcthye

tunes my homepage text is German! I want plan in the August.2004 my two homepage with English text. Mine wish the USA friend Germany! Together work does property. Or? Greet Cooldeaf

I recommend you stay one domian and you can create seprately written English (link) will goes to english text.. as long you can brings same story from Germany text langagues. Save your expense.

I do certinally myself different languages in the countries from my prevouis website. Lot work, I learned it lot but reilable on translaution languages always!
Now no longer different languages in my website.. Will be always put on "transluation on line" link that would be helps great!!
Bullym0m said:
I recommend you stay one domian and you can create seprately written English (link) will goes to english text.. as long you can brings same story from Germany text langagues. Save your expense.

I do certinally myself different languages in the countries from my prevouis website. Lot work, I learned it lot but reilable on translaution languages always!
Now no longer different languages in my website.. Will be always put on "transluation on line" link that would be helps great!!

Hallo Bullym0m

Hello Bullym0m Much thanks for their info.. I muess much learning and to practice like German text on English..Bis today still problem. Therefore I make 2004 start flat for 1.August with 100% English text! Again thanks beautifully for helping.

I visit your homepage with left do not go openly. Amusingly does not fold connection is correct, you is right.
Cooldeaf said:

I visit your homepage with left do not go openly. Amusingly does not fold connection is correct, you is right.

My "prevouis" webpage was no longer..
Changed new domain.. there still under construction.. not finished working my site.
Still working on it.. One of my friend will come here and help me hotspot target.
Bullym0m said:
My "prevouis" webpage was no longer..
Changed new domain.. there still under construction.. not finished working my site.
Still working on it.. One of my friend will come here and help me hotspot target.

I still understood your homepage in the structure. Practices makes you master! I visit its homepage later again. My homepage for Germany as diagram and art already since 2002 in the on-line one!

Grüss Cooldeaf
Cooldeaf said:
I still understood your homepage in the structure. Practices makes you master! I visit its homepage later again. My homepage for Germany as diagram and art already since 2002 in the on-line one!

Grüss Cooldeaf
Yes, That right cooldeaf,

One day I gonna become awesome master.. ((chuckles))

Prevouis was ugly and format looking.. This site currecty is more better looks and nice graphics and words etc etc..
I have not learn other stuff likely maconmena, flash and others too.. Ill try my best and learn taught by myself as course than expense on college.. Doesn't want to waste my money expense on college.. Reilable on tutoring, and ask help tips etc etc.. would be great benefits for me. :)
Bullym0m said:
Yes, That right cooldeaf,

One day I gonna become awesome master.. ((chuckles))

Prevouis was ugly and format looking.. This site currecty is more better looks and nice graphics and words etc etc..
I have not learn other stuff likely maconmena, flash and others too.. Ill try my best and learn taught by myself as course than expense on college.. Doesn't want to waste my money expense on college.. Reilable on tutoring, and ask help tips etc etc.. would be great benefits for me. :)

Much tunes money because of school for homepage. I have no school for homepage. I always or my friend ask as make ability etc. try and practice for homepage since 2002 production. Practices makes you master. Much luck with homepage structure practice. Greeting Cooldeaf