alabama school for the deaf graduate, new to the forums


New Member
Oct 12, 2006
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Hey everyone, I joined the forums because I wanted to find a place to discuss the possibility of extending closed captioning to other media (youtube etc).

This isn't the thread for that though, so I'll introduce myself. I was born profoundly deaf due to Waardenburg's. I grew up in a mainstream environment, attending public school for most of my life until the 9th grade, aside from a brief 6 week stint at the Texas School for the Deaf.

Then I transferred to the Alabama School for the Deaf a month into my Freshman year and graduated from ASD in '99. I went to Gallaudet the next fall but played around too much and only got to stay two semesters.

After that, I took a couple of years off before going back to community college. I'm a few credits away from an AA in Web Technology and spend most of my free time designing other websites or working on my own.

I'm currently working on starting up a web design company. I'm usually pretty busy with that but I'll try to check this place out once in a while.

Nice to meet all of you and I hope I can find some old friends on here. I was on the ASD regional championship academic bowl team back in 98 and 99 - that's probably the only thing anybody would recognize me from. I was the leading scorer of my team both years, all games - if that helps anybody recognize me. If not, I was the fat dude.

By the way, the forum rules state that I can't advertise my site anywhere - not even in my sig? Do I understand that correctly?
:welcome: To All Deaf zeroality!!
Sounds like you had & accomplished awesome goals in your life.
The answer to your question...

By the way, the forum rules state that I can't advertise my site anywhere - not even in my sig? Do I understand that correctly?

Go to Private Messages at the top right hand corner & click on "Edit Profile" on the left side & put your website there..That'll give ya a good start..

Have fun Posting &
Enjoy your stay here:thumb:
to AD.. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Enjoy browsing and posting!