Adoption of a deaf child from China

Denise China

New Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Hi All,

I am hearing, as is my first daughter, also adopted from China. I am adopting a deaf child the first half of 2011 from China. There is pretty much no signing education for deaf children in orphanages in China, other than basic signs for eating, bathroom etc... My daughter and I are currently learning ASL. We are looking for resources for our new family member - particularly kids movies and books with closed captioning and signing.

I look forward to learning all that I can and speaking with many of you.

Wow! There seems to be a trend of people adopting deaf Chinese children because at the school where I work at, we just got 3 new preK students enrolled and all are adopted from China.

That's great that you and your daughter are learning ASL. How wonderful and it will be an exciting journey for the family!

Welcome to AD!
I know one from colorado who is member here and may have good tips of telling you where to hang out with other deaf people at the deaf events. welcome to ad.
Thanks. We are so excited. At last count there were 36 deaf children on the China medicals needs list (as they call it), so there are a few. I know of a woman in the Denver area that is in the process of adopting two older sons from China that are deaf. She is a deaf educator. My daughter and I are actually having a great time learning ASL. It is amazing! Thanks for your support.
That would be great! If you could put me in touch with them I would really appreciate it! Thanks
Thanks! I'm excited to participate and learn as much as I can. Thanks for the welcome!
You know I love the pic you put under your Avatar. The one I have in my signature was taken off my front deck. God's awesome beauty for sure!
message me. i can put you in touch with a friend with 2 adopted deaf chinese girls and 2 adopted american boys.
Just saw your post here.. idk if I said welcome on the other thread- but welcome to the club!!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Congratulation on adopting your deaf child. You will learn a lot of deafness/hard of hearing, Deaf Culture and hearing aids plus CI. There is a lot of interesting topics for you to pick on what you are interest in. So have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Welcome to AD!

I also know a family that adopted a boy from China who was deaf. The initial transition was rough but he is a happy 12 year-old now.
Hey, I would like to talk to you about the adoption proceedings. My husband and I are thinking of adopting a deaf baby or child next year. Is the process very expensive and difficult? Appreciate any info you are willing to share! :wave:
Hey, I would like to talk to you about the adoption proceedings. My husband and I are thinking of adopting a deaf baby or child next year. Is the process very expensive and difficult? Appreciate any info you are willing to share! :wave:

Shel I think that would be awesome!! Are you looking to do international or would you consider a domestic adoption?? I'm sure Denise has lots of info on international and you know I can help w/domestic :):)
Shel I think that would be awesome!! Are you looking to do international or would you consider a domestic adoption?? I'm sure Denise has lots of info on international and you know I can help w/domestic :):)

I am just in the beginning stages of my research..not sure which I want as I dont know the pros and cons of both. Thanks!
Denise, I would also contact Colarado School for the Deaf and Blind and Rocky Mountain Deaf School. They might be able to help you.
And I think its amazing that there are people adopting dhh children and bringing them here!!! That in turn might increase the Deaf population and help save the Deaf Schools/programs.
I am just in the beginning stages of my research..not sure which I want as I dont know the pros and cons of both. Thanks!

Which ever you decide, that child will be both blessed and a blessing!! It just makes me happy you and your hubby are open to adoption... forwarning, while researching don't let the 'horror stories' turn you off... like w/anything else you'll find good and bad accounts out there! :)