
I got that direct connect cable and adapter. I just took them out of the box and put them in the "man bag" that came with it. I want to wait until I get at least a little more comprehension to speech believe I start using that. :cool: How does the direct connect sound?

You're right, I recommend some experience before using the adapter. It will sound a bit distorted to begin with because music has so many frequencies your nerves are exposed to, but like starting out, it will come close to headphones with time.
R2D2!! That is great that you were able to hear voices and already start localizing sound! That was speedy progress! Does your new ear have a tinny sounds to it?

I'm not sure if I would describe it as tinny but it sounds very off. My daughter's voice sounds like she has a very bad cold, all nasal, probably a lot like a munchkin.

I discovered what you mean by the "Oh boy, its loud!" sound. Paper flipping is driving me nuts today. I had to turn it down and turn my hearing aid back on to give myself some time to recover from it. Does the loudness eventually calm down?

Yes, don't worry you will get used to it. A lot of what mapping is about is stimulating the brain to build up tolerance to louder sounds gradually. It's amazing how it does it. It's like a trip down memory lane again. I'm back to finding the sound of water running and the kettle boiling annoying. Even the fridge motor is driving me nuts. But at the same time it's awesome too because that particular ear has never heard such sounds before. It was such a lazy ear even though it had better hearing than the ear that was implanted earlier. It feels like being awoken from a 100 year sleep LOL!

Does your audi have you removing the other implant at all? I'm wearing my hearing aid but it is turned off unless I need to use it. If I turn it on, I'm finding I need to the lower the volume down.

She's asked me to remove the other implant for 2 hours a day, which suits me fine. I am keen to get the new ear up to a good level so that if I ever get one ear out of action for some reason, I can use the other one.

You know I have to say something about the Jet. I am very happy that you were able to tell where it was coming from because I wouldn't have heard it if it landed right on top of me :)

LOL! It was like that for me with the first implant but not with this one. I think my brain has done a lot of the hard work already in terms of learning how to use the new medium and must have been able to transfer some of that knowledge to the other ear?
Your doing great. Now I wish I would have asked the details. I ended up with two of the great big "fun" boxes. My audie told me to put it aside for a few days and just focus on my ci. I did bake the case.

I did get all 16 electrodes turned on. I went slower on the high pitch sounds. After a while you start to realize what sounds you want more of. I found that I needed what I call 'guitar" sounds and "drum" sounds. Of course I was looked at like I was crazy. Now after 1 month and 2 1/2 weeks sound, sounds normal or I think it is normal.

It takes a while to get use to the forgotten sounds like typing on the computer, the bathroom(I'm sure we will get a few blogs on that :) ), white markers on the board and the knuckles. Oh yesterday my paraprofessional was talking to me through the bathroom door, an enclosed bathroom. The strange part is she sounded like she was right there.

So enjoy and we all look forward to more adventures from the land of OZ.
I got that direct connect cable and adapter. I just took them out of the box and put them in the "man bag" that came with it. I want to wait until I get at least a little more comprehension to speech believe I start using that. :cool: How does the direct connect sound?

Might be a good idea to wait for music for awhile, it will likely sound really bad.
I would love to enjoy music again but, at this point radio or cds seems to be too complex to really enjoy or even make sense of.

Did come across a site yesterday, I won't post a link because they sell music and thought it may be against the rules, that had demos of guitar solos. The first time I can say I had enjoyed music in many years. It seemed to be enough to the old CI a work out but not so many sounds it is hard to follow, a good place to start to learn music again.
It ranged from 240 at low frequencies, 260's average for mid frequencies, then tapering 197 at high frequencies - with lows starting at electrode 1 to highs at electrode 16. Strange, I have all 16 activated.

I'm the same way. There is a slight curve upwards from the first electrode to the 16th electrode which is activated but I just did not hear a response. Perhaps this coming Monday is will. I listened to Grimm's Fairy Tales today. Interesting to say the least :) I still have no discrimination.
Might be a good idea to wait for music for awhile, it will likely sound really bad.
I would love to enjoy music again but, at this point radio or cds seems to be too complex to really enjoy or even make sense of.

Did come across a site yesterday, I won't post a link because they sell music and thought it may be against the rules, that had demos of guitar solos. The first time I can say I had enjoyed music in many years. It seemed to be enough to the old CI a work out but not so many sounds it is hard to follow, a good place to start to learn music again.

Hmm, you have private message the link to me if you want. I would be interested in something like that once I get to that point. How long have you had your CI?
Your doing great. Now I wish I would have asked the details. I ended up with two of the great big "fun" boxes. My audie told me to put it aside for a few days and just focus on my ci. I did bake the case.

I did get all 16 electrodes turned on. I went slower on the high pitch sounds. After a while you start to realize what sounds you want more of. I found that I needed what I call 'guitar" sounds and "drum" sounds. Of course I was looked at like I was crazy. Now after 1 month and 2 1/2 weeks sound, sounds normal or I think it is normal.

It takes a while to get use to the forgotten sounds like typing on the computer, the bathroom(I'm sure we will get a few blogs on that :) ), white markers on the board and the knuckles. Oh yesterday my paraprofessional was talking to me through the bathroom door, an enclosed bathroom. The strange part is she sounded like she was right there.

So enjoy and we all look forward to more adventures from the land of OZ.

I dove into my box yesterday. Funny, I got more stuff with the CI then I did with a Lincoln Log kit. I got my man bag all filled up and looking nice and nowhere to go! :)

The only reason why I knew what levels I was at was because they had it set up where the audiologist had dual monitors, one for her and one for me. So of course, I am taking notice of every single number! I did forget to ask for a printout of the settings.

Things sound so tinny and weird. It is kind of like slot machine music when I am typing on the keyboard.
Hi Contradica,

I keep a careful track of the numbers as well and make it my business to know what exactly my audie was doing.

With this mapping, she started off at the wrong processor speed and she expressed surprise that the dismal batterylife. I told her that it was because she had set it up at 2400 speed instead of 900 like we agreed. Poor, audie, I think she was a bit embarrassed.

Today, when I turn the other CI off, voices sound like people speaking holding their noses and I have to work hard to make sure I don't speak like that too! I have this funny tinkling, soft beepy sound in the background. That's not surprising as I had a lot of static in the background with the first one, which disappeared when the dynamic range increased. However, other sounds are good for day 3 - I'm surprised that I can hear the clock in the lounge ticking, which took months with the first CI. I definitely think that the brain is passing on some knowhow learned first time around.

I'm going to try one of my audio books shortly to see if I can follow the voices.
The only reason why I knew what levels I was at was because they had it set up where the audiologist had dual monitors, one for her and one for me. So of course, I am taking notice of every single number! I did forget to ask for a printout of the settings.

I wish my audis did this! I usually squeeze in tight and watch over their shoulder, but my wheelchair is large enough that it tends to get a bit too close for comfort.
Hi Contradica,
I have this funny tinkling, soft beepy sound in the background. That's not surprising as I had a lot of static in the background with the first one, which disappeared when the dynamic range increased. However, other sounds are good for day 3 - I'm surprised that I can hear the clock in the lounge ticking, which took months with the first CI. I definitely think that the brain is passing on some knowhow learned first time around.

I'm going to try one of my audio books shortly to see if I can follow the voices.
Hi R2D2!!

You are a genius!! Perfect description! You have described the funny tinkling soft beepy sound perfectly!! Right now I am listening to Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - For ESL/EFL Students website for some practice and every time a word is spoken I get the tinkling beepy sound. It is so weird. I am finding that when someone talks or even when I talk, it is very loud.

That is great you hear the clock in the lounge! I can hear when I depress the buttons on my cell phone. I'm going to ask my audi to increase the dynamic range next week, she has it set at 60, and see if that will remove the static. I have a better description of different sounds I hear in my blog.

Have you tried listening to talk radio yet at all?
Contradica, you forgot to change your signature "implanted some date and activation date is sept 17th" into activated sept 17th 2007 lol
Hi R2D2!!
You are a genius!! Perfect description! You have described the funny tinkling soft beepy sound perfectly!!

LOL! Don't forget that right now, we have very basic, crude maps. The goal at this stage is to get used to sound and build up tolerance.

Right now I am listening to Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - For ESL/EFL Students website for some practice and every time a word is spoken I get the tinkling beepy sound. It is so weird. I am finding that when someone talks or even when I talk, it is very loud.

Yes, it's normal for things to sound loud, it basically shows that our brains have got used to hearing quieter sounds and actually the loudness is what is closer to "normal". So it's an adjustment process for sure.

I'm going to ask my audi to increase the dynamic range next week, she has it set at 60, and see if that will remove the static.

Yes, but first of all you have to get used to the loudness first. Increasing the dynamic range (distance between comfort and threshold levels) when you aren't ready can potentially be damaging. As a matter of fact, I got a lecture from my audie on never to mix up my two speech processors, because if I do it could cause a reaction that would be hard to unravel. I can tell from the LED display which one is for the left ear and which one is for the right one but my audie also put a red sticker on the new implant to make double sure I don't mix them up. But you get the drift.

So the best thing I reckon you can do is to expose yourself to normal sounds to build up that tolerance so that you can move toward increasing the range. Read along with text to audio voices but I would suggest not listening to talk back radio or other audio without a script at this stage. It's too early days and you'll find it discouraging if you find you can't understand anything.

Have you tried listening to talk radio yet at all?

No, it's too early. I did listen to a child's audio book yesterday "Yoyo goes to the farm" and followed it really well, but without the book, I'd be lost. However, I did also put on a classical music CD and listened to it with both CIs on and it really sounded lovely. I could really pick out different pitches and instruments. This is the best that music has ever sounded to me.

I'm going to a music gala concert tonight put on by the school where I work and I'm not sure how I'll go! I will sit maybe from the middle to the back, not at the front LOL! And if it gets a bit much I'll go outside for a breather.

I hope I haven't come across like a lecturing know it all!! I just learned from last time that baby steps is the way to go. You'll have days when you feel frustrated in the first few months, I kept a journal last time around and it's amazing how up and down my emotions went until one day I just really fell in love with my CI and didn't look back.

Not long til our second mapping!!
LOL! Don't forget that right now, we have very basic, crude maps. The goal at this stage is to get used to sound and build up tolerance.

Now I am beginning to understand what the meaning of going soft is. I have three programs that I had to use for 2 days before going to the next one. I have maxed out the volume on all of them. The audi is going to ask me which one I like and I'm not quite sure how to do decide between the really soft one, or the one with all the tinkling when someone talks, or the one with the fast tinkling. Its a dilemma :) The loudness of when someone talks is not as jolting as it was before so that is progress.

Yes, but first of all you have to get used to the loudness first. Increasing the dynamic range (distance between comfort and threshold levels) when you aren't ready can potentially be damaging. As a matter of fact, I got a lecture from my audie on never to mix up my two speech processors, because if I do it could cause a reaction that would be hard to unravel. I can tell from the LED display which one is for the left ear and which one is for the right one but my audie also put a red sticker on the new implant to make double sure I don't mix them up. But you get the drift.

That makes perfect sense. It would be like a shock that the nerve could not recover from, right?

No, it's too early. I did listen to a child's audio book yesterday "Yoyo goes to the farm" and followed it really well, but without the book, I'd be lost. However, I did also put on a classical music CD and listened to it with both CIs on and it really sounded lovely. I could really pick out different pitches and instruments. This is the best that music has ever sounded to me.

I'm going to a music gala concert tonight put on by the school where I work and I'm not sure how I'll go! I will sit maybe from the middle to the back, not at the front LOL! And if it gets a bit much I'll go outside for a breather.

I am completely lost with books on tape. I've been listening to little things on the web to pass time at work. Earlier in the week, all voices sounded the same. Now I am able to tell when a man and a woman is talking. It is so cool :) It sounds like they are on a CB radio. I gotta ask you though since you said your part time job is in finance, does your adding machine tinkle too? :)

I hope I haven't come across like a lecturing know it all!! I just learned from last time that baby steps is the way to go. You'll have days when you feel frustrated in the first few months, I kept a journal last time around and it's amazing how up and down my emotions went until one day I just really fell in love with my CI and didn't look back.

Not long til our second mapping!!

Not at all!! :bowdown:I need to hear all the explanations behind these little itty bitty baby steps :) Your expertise is greatly needed here. I'm a dodo bird when it comes to the whole schematics of mapping :)

I'm keeping a journal too! I have written down what I can hear and what I can't hear. I'm doing a pretty good job with not using my hearing aid. I haven't used it except for a few minutes.

So far I can hear:
Paper, plastic bags, paper bags, money, Motorcycle, blinker sounds, keyboard, mouse clicking, car alarm going off, heels, definite sound of when someone is talking and I can tell whether its a male or female, road noises, my cell phone, zippers, sounds off the TV, paper shredder, microwave going off, my dog barking

What I know I can't hear:
Helicopters and fire trucks LOL! I can't hear the phones ring at work.

All in all, it has been a productive week. I have heard things that I haven't heard out of this ear in 15 years.

What time is your mapping appointment? Mine is at 3:30 again!
Hi Contradica,

I'm back from my map and a little bit of shopping too I must admit, since the weather has warmed up a fair bit and I needed some more work clothes.

I'm happy. We have increased the comfort and decreased the threshold levels a little bit both ways. The audie was happy too, she said that we've made good progress in one week.

By the way, over the weekend in my older CI ear, I started to feel flashes of pain everytime there was a high frequency sound. So I turned the volume down temporarily, knowing that I was going to see the audie in a day or two. Anyway when I told her my problem, we closed down one electrode and the problem is now solved. She said it doesn't really matter if you have to close electrodes because the others interplay to compensate for that lost pitch. I cannot notice any difference in the sound. We even bumped up the volume again above my original volume for good measure as my new ear seems to want to dominate.

My next appointment is in 3 weeks as audie is going on holidays. That suits me just fine.

How have you gone in the past few days? I looked at your list and you are hearing a great range of sounds for just one week! Have you managed to coordinate a helicopter to land over you again?? It's great that you are hearing stuff now that you haven't heard for so long. No wonder your brain is going "what the heck is going on??"
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Contradica, I forgot to ask... how is your tinnitus going?
Just wanted to butt in and extend you best wishes on this journey, C.
Shopping is always a well deserved treat R2D2 :) I have to admit though trying on clothes requires some finesse without knocking the magnet off.

How much higher is your comfort levels now with the new CI? Did the tinkling or dinky sounds resolve yet? That good that just one electrode was turned off to stop the pain. How have you been getting along in stereo? :)

How have you gone in the past few days? I looked at your list and you are hearing a great range of sounds for just one week! Have you managed to coordinate a helicopter to land over you again?? It's great that you are hearing stuff now that you haven't heard for so long. No wonder your brain is going "what the heck is going on??"

I am doing pretty good I think. These baby steps suck :) Since you worn hearing aids, will this sound start to sound more like my hearing aid and not so robotic in time? I still can't make heads or tails or any speech. I had my mom cover her mouth and talk to me and I guess totally off.

"What book do you want me to read?" she said
"You want me to have a vasectomy?" I said.

I haven't been able to get a helicopter over me yet. I am leaving work in 2 hours to drive out to Philly for my mapping appointment. Maybe just maybe there will be another trauma helicopter landing but I rather have a news helicopter instead of trauma.

I have more in my blog which I will just copy and paste

I heard the crunch of the asparagus! Who knew they were noisy little botanical vegetables?

This weekend was the first weekend that I was truly bionic. I cannot say I did much because I was trying to acclimate myself to this nonsense noise. When I least expected it I heard things. I discovered places like Costco and Kohl's are noisy. Restaurants with football games on are rowdy. I was a good 50 feet away when I heard this guy yell something footballish.

I went to Pathmark to pick up a few things and I was debating on what kind of frozen corn I should purchase, white or yellow. All of the sudden I heard a man talking which I felt like it was RIGHT next to me. I looked to my left and there was no one there of the male gender. I looked to my right and sure enough, there was a man, a nice looking one at that, talking to his son with the freezer door open about 25 feet away from me. Mind you, I didn’t make out a word he said, just the fact that I heard him was enough for Harmony to get a nice little pat on the magnet.

A similar occurrence happened again when I went to the Halloween store. I was talking to my sick as a dog friend who was helping me brainstorm on what godforsaken costume I should be for Halloween. After trying on six costumes and I was happy with not a one, we decided to roam around. Mind you changing through that many costumes tends to knock a magnet off. We are roaming around looking at all the different decorations, and this man comes around the corner and he is about ten feet away. I heard him as if he was standing right next to me. In all the excitement, I proclaimed to my friend that I heard him and she coughed back, “I can’t”, and she is hearing. I seem to be picking up men, well their voices at least.

At let me see, what else? Ah yes, the desert episode! My mother and I were each having a single serving each of fat free chocolate pudding. My mother was practically digging a hole to china at the bottom of the plastic cup trying to get every bit of it that I heard clear as a bell. It was almost normal.

When the faucet unleashes the fury of water down the drain, I can hear it. It has gotten much louder and pronounced since my activation.

I have started to listen to Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. I can follow along as long as I have the book, otherwise I would be lost.

Now I have a daunting task of trying to figure out which program I like the best.

Program one seems very soft with the volume maxed out.

Program two I can have the volume up all the way but it comes with a lot of static.

Program three I can have the volume up all the way and the static is not so bad. The tinkling is noticeable on this one. Music sounds better on this one too.

I don't know which one to pick because they all sound SO similar except for little variations here and there.

I will post again when I get home from the mapping session. Wish me luck here!!
Contradica, I forgot to ask... how is your tinnitus going?

I have tinnitus but it is not nearly as loud or noticeable as it was before. It has a different pitch then what I am use too. If have both the CI and the hearing aid on at the same time it disappears. Its weird, some sounds sound like they are coming out of my nonimplanted ear when I have my hearing aid turned off. Does that make sense?
hey ya all. I got activated last friday and I'm happy to report that everything is doing pretty well. Abbie, I know exactly what you are talking about when you said everything sounds so different. When I first hear my audiologist speak, she sounded like she was speaking throught a thin pipe.
I think we have the same implant and same processor so maybe that's why the sound we hear are similar.

With my new CI everything sounds so "crispy". I can definitely hear more crispy sounds like typing, keys juggling, car blinkers, water. I can't really understand anything that people are saying and I am also having trouble hearing cars and heavy construction equipments and trains going by near my house. But smaller sounds like mouse clicks and breathing are very notiable. I heard for the first time that a dog panting last night. I can also hear my blackberry going off when i set it on vibrate and also hear the clicks of the weels when I use it.

I have my second mapping on Wednesday. Hopefully I'll be able to hear more with the new map..

Oh by the way. Abbie, do you have trouble with the t-mic keep falling off from your processor? I notice that the t-mic is really fragile as it keep disconnects from my processor.
this is just a fun thread to read. too bad I have to wait a while before getting my CI, as I'm still needing insurance.