A reintroduction


New Member
Apr 20, 2009
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Hi all! I'm Jalestra, Jal, J. I actually joined a couple of years ago and then right after I joined everything went insane and I disappeared. We finally moved to Houston, where I've been trying to get out of the house and stop hermitizing myself. Still a hermit, but only part time now.

I finally got a semi-competent audiologist after the big move and have been diagnosed with mild to moderate reverse slope hearing loss (the vindication felt great!). That diagnosis has been a great help among my hearing family members since they can no longer say "are you sure your ears don't need cleaned out?". Of course the audiologist I went to was.....useless after that point, so no HAs or well, any real assistance with listening technology. I've learned a lot. 2 of my children and my husband joined me in some beginning ASL classes (that support really meant a lot), so I'm also now a beginner ASL user, which has proved valuable.

I would like to meet some people in the Houston area as well as just have people to talk to here.