A new company called, "Sorenson MisCommunications"???

Yeah, looks like they're digging their hands deeper into the relay market.
Does anybody know anything about sorensonmedia thing? or have one
of those? from what i understand from a friend of mine, you can communicate
with someone on TV but didnt really elaborate on how it works, or what
equipment you gotta have or anything about it so im just curious about
this sorenson stuff...can anybody tell me about this? Thanks in advance!
Sorenson is now two distinct companies:

Sorenson Communications which does the video equipment that you're talking about, and
Sorenson Media which does the software video stuff for companies, which I don't think you're talking about but you asked about "Sorensonmedia".

You can get the TV video stuff by either contacting Sorenson or any of the other Video Relay companies like SprintVRS or CSDVRS.

For a free videophone for DEAF PEOPLE from SprintVRS and CSDVRS, go to: www.c-s-d.org and apply on the front page.

Hearing people have to purchase their own equipment.

Does that help any?
Thank you Dennis and Nesmuth...appreciate your input on video equipment
for TV communications..I will contact these companies and get more info
on that..If it is free, of course i will take advantage of it..ha..thanks again!