2 days

good luck! hope everything works out in your favor.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Yea! Wait is almost over. Good luck!
you go yet? or is it later in the day? Good luck... Hopefully they have a terp for you!!!
Hope the doctor would make it easier thing on her about what she wants, not the doctor's

I walked into the office an hour early (better early than late right?), A young very nice woman walked out into the waiting room, she wore a badge so I knew she worked there--she handed me a sticky note that read "Do you want a Sign Language interpreter?" and then she started signing to me! Given, her sign was very basic and choppy but I felt comfortable and at ease. I told her it would help me if there was an interpreter.

At exactly my appointment time (surprise! most places you end up waiting past your time!) they took me back to get the vitals done. I sat in room and the woman came back in and introduced herself as the audiologist for this Doctor. I was so surprised! At that time the interpreter showed up (I was not at all inpressed with that Terp and hope I dont get her again!) anyways, the audiologist began asking me questions about the implant and I went on explaining why I got it, and everything since.

She was very understanding when I told her "Id rather not hear than deal with the list of stuff I deal with--Its not worth it, I was not broken...but now I am". I think she thought about it because her face looked like she felt kinda bad.

The Doctor came in, clean cut, no facial hair and my ideal person to lip read, again was surprised. He asked why I came, and I handed a list of all my symptoms, Triggers and other key information. He read it and asked a few questions. I started crying. He told me that is seems like it is related to the implant! I felt like I was dreaming....after FOUR years, my words didnt fall on "deaf" ears (no pun intended lol), someone was listening to me! I thanked him over and over for listening to me--because everyone else was pushing me in circles and excusing the implant because of who implanted me. He asked if I wanted it taken out and I told him yes. He went on to explain that because no one knows the cause of my hearing loss, and because of the uniqueness of my sympotoms, ETC ETC. then flat out will not be able to pre-determin if explanting will help reduce or cure the attacks from happening. I told him if explainting reduces the frequency or anything then I will be happy! He explained that they dont know if it might make my condition worse. So he told me he was going to research, contact other specialist and refered me to see another one in OCT. as well. It seems like no one can put their thumb on it with any definate information.

I have an appointment with the other Dr. October 4th--I am happy finally people are listening and trying to find answers to make me well.
That's really great. I'm so glad for you that it sounds like this doctor is taking your complaints seriously.

I love it that he is going to call in another specialist. One of my pet peeves is doctors who think they personally and individually know it all and feel threatened by any second opinions. The fact that this guy took the initiative to contact another specialist seems like a very good sign indeed that he is willing to be very, very thorough.

Good luck with it all; sounds like you're on the right track.
He explained that they dont know if it might make my condition worse. So he told me he was going to research, contact other specialist and refered me to see another one in OCT.

I see.
And what did you say when he said that - that removal may make your condition worse?
What if it does?
Are you ready to accept the consequences?

I hope however, that it was only said as a caution, and they will explant your CI and you will feel better.

I see.
And what did you say when he said that - that removal may make your condition worse?
What if it does?
Are you ready to accept the consequences?

I hope however, that it was only said as a caution, and they will explant your CI and you will feel better.


same deal for doctor to implant CI that may make this condition worse. Like what she has it now. I am sure that removing the CI from her and she WILL feel much better. Can you image some foreign object in you when you knew it is in there and a feeling of annoyance.

I walked into the office an hour early (better early than late right?), A young very nice woman walked out into the waiting room, she wore a badge so I knew she worked there--she handed me a sticky note that read "Do you want a Sign Language interpreter?" and then she started signing to me! Given, her sign was very basic and choppy but I felt comfortable and at ease. I told her it would help me if there was an interpreter.

At exactly my appointment time (surprise! most places you end up waiting past your time!) they took me back to get the vitals done. I sat in room and the woman came back in and introduced herself as the audiologist for this Doctor. I was so surprised! At that time the interpreter showed up (I was not at all inpressed with that Terp and hope I dont get her again!) anyways, the audiologist began asking me questions about the implant and I went on explaining why I got it, and everything since.

She was very understanding when I told her "Id rather not hear than deal with the list of stuff I deal with--Its not worth it, I was not broken...but now I am". I think she thought about it because her face looked like she felt kinda bad.

The Doctor came in, clean cut, no facial hair and my ideal person to lip read, again was surprised. He asked why I came, and I handed a list of all my symptoms, Triggers and other key information. He read it and asked a few questions. I started crying. He told me that is seems like it is related to the implant! I felt like I was dreaming....after FOUR years, my words didnt fall on "deaf" ears (no pun intended lol), someone was listening to me! I thanked him over and over for listening to me--because everyone else was pushing me in circles and excusing the implant because of who implanted me. He asked if I wanted it taken out and I told him yes. He went on to explain that because no one knows the cause of my hearing loss, and because of the uniqueness of my sympotoms, ETC ETC. then flat out will not be able to pre-determin if explanting will help reduce or cure the attacks from happening. I told him if explainting reduces the frequency or anything then I will be happy! He explained that they dont know if it might make my condition worse. So he told me he was going to research, contact other specialist and refered me to see another one in OCT. as well. It seems like no one can put their thumb on it with any definate information.

I have an appointment with the other Dr. October 4th--I am happy finally people are listening and trying to find answers to make me well.

Opps, I posted b4 I read this post and this sounds like wondeful news to me.