1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead by own hand


Stay weird
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Apr 5, 2003
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1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead by own hand - Yahoo! News

Mentor is not far from my old hometown.



Yes, I was bullied by some people in the past. Now, recently, I was annoyed by two idiot guards this morning and I already reported the complaint against those idiots. :roll: I learned that one guard at the office building one year before I was hired for the position, was in prison for murdering his ex girlfriend in front of her seven year old daughter. Geez, what wonderful guards I have now...stupid asses.
Very sad. Those deaths shouldn't have occured in the first place.

More and more schools will have to adopt zero tolerance policy against bullying now. But unfortunately, there are some kids who doesn't feel any guilt for having contributed to a person's death by bullying.
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

I think in my opinion there should be zero tolerance against bullies in school, but sometimes it doesn't work cause they can do it off school property with other students.

The bullies probably didn't have loving parents, careless families, bad childhoods. It saddens me about the bullies getting away with that. I was bullied back in high school. It still haunts me once in a while.
OMG, I remember about how bad is high school bullies when I was student in past.

I was bullied so badly because I'm bisexual and some students classified bisexual as gay and they said I'm deserved to be bullied because of sex orientation and disability. :roll:
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

I think in my opinion there should be zero tolerance against bullies in school, but sometimes it doesn't work cause they can do it off school property with other students.

The bullies probably didn't have loving parents, careless families, bad childhoods. It saddens me about the bullies getting away with that. I was bullied back in high school. It still haunts me once in a while.

I think that all bullies need go to alternative school or juvenile.
I was bullied in school for being 'different'. I was bullied for being deaf and I was even labeled as being gay, lesbian, homo, etc. without ever actually coming out. I didn't come out until years after I had graduated from high school.

Ironically, I am working on a Bachelors in English Education at the Secondary level. Maybe, if I am a teacher and I see this stuff going on, I can step in and stop it before it gets bad and I'm able to give the kids who are targets some relief in my class. I know what these kids are feeling, I've been there and eventually you do get out and it gets better. Just keep in mind there are better solutions than suicide.
Hmm, in the old days...teachers would pull students ears and drag them to the corner and put a dunce hat for the rest of the day. That's the old fashioned way of bully punishments, what happened to today?
Hmm, in the old days...teachers would pull students ears and drag them to the corner and put a dunce hat for the rest of the day. That's the old fashioned way of bully punishments, what happened to today?

They got too soft.
Send all the bullies to the shrinks.

Punishments of the students are okay with me as long as it is not physical. It could be standing in the corner or extra homework, etc.
Yep, that's right. Soft as jell-o on a plate. :(

CPS made things too "overprotected"

CPS sometimes helps children who are being harmed by an adult.
But, what happens when one child is being harmed by other children both mentally and physically? Nothing.

Federal laws should mandate that ALL public schools have a zero tolerance policy for bullies. If you are caught bullying it should be an automatic suspension and remediation of missed coursework along with counseling. It is not a corporal punishment, but it is a swift harsh punishment that it will take just once for them to learn. Bullying should never be tolerated in any shape or form. On the second offense the student should be placed in a boot camp were conformity is enforced on them and they are taught to respect to be respected. Usually one trip through boot camp is enough to reform even the worst offenders.
CPS sometimes helps children who are being harmed by an adult.
But, what happens when one child is being harmed by other children both mentally and physically? Nothing.

Federal laws should mandate that ALL public schools have a zero tolerance policy for bullies. If you are caught bullying it should be an automatic suspension and remediation of missed coursework along with counseling. It is not a corporal punishment, but it is a swift harsh punishment that it will take just once for them to learn. Bullying should never be tolerated in any shape or form. On the second offense the student should be placed in a boot camp were conformity is enforced on them and they are taught to respect to be respected. Usually one trip through boot camp is enough to reform even the worst offenders.

Good idea. I used to be bullied by a certain boy. Still hate him after all the years.
And how well will this be enforced?

That is the problem. It is very difficult to enforce a zero tolerance on bullying. Also, much of the bullying occurs now by cyberspace, or off of school grounds. More effective is to teach kids how to effectively deal with those bullies.
Send all the bullies to the shrinks.

Punishments of the students are okay with me as long as it is not physical. It could be standing in the corner or extra homework, etc.

Unfortunately, when a bully gets punished, it often gives them justification for increasing or excalating the bullying behavior. They see it as the victim having gotten them in trouble, so they are out to get even. All it really accomplishes is to make them sneakier so they don't get caught.
But would it be justifiable to extend the zero tolerance for bullying off campus to cyberspace as well as at non-school functions?

Ex: Janine posts some means stuff about Paula on FB. Janine and her friends decided to play a joke on Paula and invite her to a fake birthday party so they can throw cow manure from Cathy's farm on her.

They carry out the plan, Paula arrives at Janine's house and when the door is opened Paula is standing there with an armload of gifts for Janine. Then Janine, Cathy, and their friends launch cow manure patties at Paula. Meghan is filming the whole scene on her cell phone. The video is later uploaded to FB under the title "Paula Likes to Eat Shit"

A teacher who also is on FB notices the video via having Janine's mother as a friend on FB, as well as Paula's mother. The teacher then notifies the principal immediately via email with a link to the video on FB and on YouTube.

After some questioning and investigation by school officials it is found that the bullying originally started at the school because Paula wore baggy clothes to hide her body as she was already suffering from anorexia nervosa.

What would be the right thing to do in this situation? How far could the school go? How far should the school go? I'd like to know your thoughts.
I would like to make bully as criminal and punishable by juvenile or bootcamp, including in or out of school properties.

I think some serious bully should be in juvenile until their 18, or 19 in few states.
But would it be justifiable to extend the zero tolerance for bullying off campus to cyberspace as well as at non-school functions?

Ex: Janine posts some means stuff about Paula on FB. Janine and her friends decided to play a joke on Paula and invite her to a fake birthday party so they can throw cow manure from Cathy's farm on her.

They carry out the plan, Paula arrives at Janine's house and when the door is opened Paula is standing there with an armload of gifts for Janine. Then Janine, Cathy, and their friends launch cow manure patties at Paula. Meghan is filming the whole scene on her cell phone. The video is later uploaded to FB under the title "Paula Likes to Eat Shit"

A teacher who also is on FB notices the video via having Janine's mother as a friend on FB, as well as Paula's mother. The teacher then notifies the principal immediately via email with a link to the video on FB and on YouTube.

After some questioning and investigation by school officials it is found that the bullying originally started at the school because Paula wore baggy clothes to hide her body as she was already suffering from anorexia nervosa.

What would be the right thing to do in this situation? How far could the school go? How far should the school go? I'd like to know your thoughts.

Justifiable, yes. Feasable, no. Off campus falls under the auspices of law enforcement.
Unfortunately, when a bully gets punished, it often gives them justification for increasing or excalating the bullying behavior. They see it as the victim having gotten them in trouble, so they are out to get even. All it really accomplishes is to make them sneakier so they don't get caught.

I am talking about punishments in general (for all kids - bullies or not). The bullies definitely should be seeing the shrinks.

I do remember seeing two boys in first or second grade). The bully was so sneaky that he pushed the victim not too hard when they are right behind the teacher. The victim retalitated by pushing him back. The bully "fall" against the chair, making so much noise. The teacher heard the noise and thought the victim was really the bully and punished him. The bully laughed at the victim. That was mean of him.
And how well will this be enforced?

Part of the problem it the schools have a 'wait and see attitude' when it come to bullying. The adults think this is just kids being kids and as long as no one know get 'hurt' it ok. But the adults are forgetting you CAN'T see emotional abuse that easy and a child will not say anything as they the bullying will get worst. This is what the schools asre doing my city , they have 'zero tolerance' with bullying , but they are going a 'wait and see '
how bad it will get before it stopped! I say WTF ! I think the kids may had called me names in school but I could not hear them and did not react to it. And this was no fun to a bully, they want to see the kid cry ! I did not have any girl friends in grade, but the boys would play with once in awhile. The girls were meaning than the boys.
This horrible that more kids are dies from being bullied. Something need to be done.