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    florida deaf community?

    i heard from someone that there is a big deaf community in florida. does anyone know anything about that, like where, or if it's even true???
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    after making love..

    after making love, the compromise, the letting go, the charisma bubbling under young skin like age old wine after making love, the heat, the passion, sweat caressing the anatomy, the uncontrollable shaking of tired, overworked legs after making love, the body---your body...
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    what do you look for....

    in case some of you haven't seen my intro, or can't tell by my username, i'm a deaf studies major looking to be an interpreter. i was just wondering if you all could voice some opinions on what you think makes a good interpreter, or even a bad one. i'm interested in your suggestions.
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    new kid on the block!

    thanks alot Alex, i'll definitely check that expo out. i just went to the maryland renaissance festival in anne arundel county this saturday. it was deaf awareness weekend. if anyone lives in the area, i reccomend that they go. it was alot of fun, and quite interesting. all around, a good...
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    new kid on the block!

    well, i took basic sign language last semester just for fun, and over the course of the semester, i picked up the signs really quick. i just fell in love with the closeness of the culture and the history of it all. also, in elementary school, one of my classmate's father was deaf, so at all...
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    new kid on the block!

    thanks so much guys. i look forward to talking to everybody here :!:
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    new kid on the block!

    hi everybody! i'm a 22 y/o female living in baltimore maryland. i'm a deaf studies major at towson university. i'm in ASL I! i'm looking forward to getting into the deaf community in my area, and would love it if anyone has any information on deaf events, activities or meetings. i'm looking...