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  1. RebekahElizabeth


    Recently, I was in a meeting discussing with a very rude lady in how being deaf effects my daily life. Many comments were made that just ticked me off but being polite I just smiled and carried on. However, I did have to say something after this comment was made... 'so you have hearing aids...
  2. RebekahElizabeth


    fairly new, not at the moment, I used to practice as a nurse however, I'm now a student :)
  3. RebekahElizabeth

    Student practicing bsl

    Hi, I'm deaf and from the UK. My BSL is terrible but i do know the basics. My signing use to be better when i was younger but I had to learn to communicate orally anyway welcome :)
  4. RebekahElizabeth


    Hi, i wear two hearing aids, I'm profoundly deaf in my left ear and severely deaf in my right !
  5. RebekahElizabeth

    Hi, new here, possibly hard of hearing

    Hi, I'm 19 and from the uk also! you should seen an audiologist as it could be an other problem other than a hearing loss such as a build up of wax! Of course you may have a slight loss and if you leave it you can really do some damage to your ears, I know from experience !:)
  6. RebekahElizabeth


    Hi all, I wondering if anyone else has tried a CROS hearing aid and what is your opinion on it?. I was fitted with one about a year ago. I guess its the closest thing I can get to having hearing in my bad ear !:laugh2:
  7. RebekahElizabeth

    Stupid comments

    i get the 'how can you drive if your deaf' comment all the time . Last time i checked i still have eyes !:laugh2:
  8. RebekahElizabeth

    Stupid comments

    yip, i know that feeling :laugh2:
  9. RebekahElizabeth

    Deaf teenager

    cant hear them ;)
  10. RebekahElizabeth

    Deaf teenager

    my family own a farm so I cant avoid, just drive at 5 mph and i'll be fine :laugh2:
  11. RebekahElizabeth

    Deaf teenager

    Tell me about it, where i live there's alot of country roads so its terrifying to drive !
  12. RebekahElizabeth

    Deaf teenager

    same here, I'm not to far from Glasgow!, its the ice that is the problem here :(
  13. RebekahElizabeth

    Deaf teenager

    are you down in England? , yeah, we had a few snow days, usually just turns to slush !:bowlol:
  14. RebekahElizabeth

    Stupid comments

    Through-out the years I've got really stupid comments about being deaf. Luckily I have a sense of humor and laugh them off, other times it just pisses me off. My favorite comment of all time is 'you don't look deaf', well I didn't realise there is a dress code XD Does anyone else get these...
  15. RebekahElizabeth

    Deaf teenager

    thank you :)
  16. RebekahElizabeth

    Deaf teenager

  17. RebekahElizabeth

    Deaf teenager

    A town call irvine, Its like 30 mins away from Ayr !
  18. RebekahElizabeth

    Currently in silence, at least I can block people out with a click of a switch!

    Currently in silence, at least I can block people out with a click of a switch!
  19. RebekahElizabeth

    Deaf teenager

    thanks :thumb:
  20. RebekahElizabeth

    Phonak roger pen for uni?

    I've been using the roger pen for about 4 months now and its amazing !, makes a different in class and also when your out in about in noisy places. I've been plugging it into the T.V and its great. Only problem is, i feel like I can only hear one person at a time :)