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  1. silentmusic

    Good News!!!

    Oh yeah and when I broke up with Aaron I posted a whole blog about him. It wasn't very nice but I was venting and sometimes it helps to get out your sadness & frustration that way. Probably I said things I shouldn't have said in it about him smelling bad and not looking good while wearing...
  2. silentmusic

    Good News!!!

    Rachel I'm happy for you!! I have dumped guys before who were very immature & rude & some mean & it feels so good to have them out of your life once you have broken up with them!! It is to me sort of like having weight lifted off you that you didn't know was even there! It is not an easy...
  3. silentmusic

    Who 'owns' Sign Language?

    Me. (sorry! couldn't resist. will go back to reading posts now.)
  4. silentmusic

    Title: What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?

    Your soul is bound to the Yellow Rose: The Gentle. "I've travelled through the land of surrender and seen it all. I throw my heart out and keep my head up, and now I travel through the land of peace." The Yellow Rose is associated with friendship, intuition, and fun. It is governed by the...
  5. silentmusic

    Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

    The person above me likes south park maybe? I dont know the character in the person above me's avatar though!
  6. silentmusic

    Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

    The person above me is correct! The person above me probably likes butterflies??
  7. silentmusic

    Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

    :stupid: The person above me is me! :laugh2:
  8. silentmusic

    Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

    The person above me has fast moving avatar!!
  9. silentmusic

    Do You like Clam Chowder?

    I can't eat it it looks too weird for me to eat. Every time I try I end up staring at the bowl & then get too grossed out to eat it. I know people like it a lot though but I am too scared!
  10. silentmusic

    This information will save your life !!!! Must Read !!!!

    Thank you Heath I am glad you posted this!! I never use the plug in fresheners because it doesn't seem like a good idea to have scented oil right next to the electricity! I know people use oil for lamps & stuff (I know that's kerosine though) but still. Good warning to have!!!! :eek2:
  11. silentmusic

    New Hi!

    Hi CODAchild ButterflyGirl (hi I saw you there on the person above me thread!!) Roadrunner rjr2006 ^Angel^ GalaxyAngel TweetyBird HiBluE01 sequoias RebelGirl & Fly Free !!!! It is nice to meet you all!! :ty: for the welcome!!
  12. silentmusic

    deaf/hearing relationships

    Aww congrats Codachild on your soon to be adoption!! :hug:
  13. silentmusic

    I’m Leaving AllDeaf.

    ::::closes eyes::::: OMG OMG I did not just see a talking purple dildo named barney. ::::trying to wake up now:::: :giggle:
  14. silentmusic

    deaf/hearing relationships

    They do for me! At least with the guy I am with now. We have been broken up & been dating again off/on for 2 years. We never broke up because he is hearing only because he is a jerk!! But it is ok now.
  15. silentmusic

    Living Between Hearing and Deaf Worlds?

    :gpost: Yeah!! I like to say I live in my own little world. :giggle:
  16. silentmusic

    Question about fingerspelling

    Hi! It to me it is like reading words. You learn each letter first then the whole word when you get better at it. So fingerspelling I guess is like first you need to know letters then when you do you see the whole as a word. Does that make sense? Good luck! :)
  17. silentmusic

    New Hi!

    I am new this board looks fun! I don't know what to write but hi!! :welcome: yes I am waving to myself :bye: and to all of you! :wave:
  18. silentmusic

    Your country of birth

    I was born in Ohio & have lived in the same state all my life.
  19. silentmusic

    Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

    :ty: The person above me is nice thank you for the welcome!!
  20. silentmusic

    Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

    I am a new person! I am bored & posting on this thread! Hope it is ok! The person above me with the blue butterfly lives in Florida and I wish I lived there! It is too cold here!