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  1. SigningTinker

    First Time Interpreting?

    I'm going to be interpreting in front of the deaf at my church, and it will be my first time interpreting for the deaf in this situation. I will be interpreting four songs, and I was wondering if you guys could give me any tips! Thanks, ~Tinker
  2. SigningTinker

    People Wanting to Go Deaf?

    I've read a multitude of questions on Yahoo! Answers and other websites asking how to go deaf. And the reason I've seen the most of is because of someone they live with making a lot of noise. I personally think that if you want to block out the noise, buy some earplugs! They aren't permanent...
  3. SigningTinker

    Other Senses.

    Dear Deaf Community, I had a few questions which have been circulating around my youth group for a little while now. :hmm: Since you are deaf and cannot hear, are your other senses (such as smell and sight) any stronger? And lastly, what is the best way to communicate with hearing...
  4. SigningTinker

    Interpretting Today!

    Hey guys! My school is going to a nursing home this morning to sing Christmas carols to people there. The thing is, I'm going to be interpreting for the first time today! I'll be translating the songs, since there is a chance that there are Deaf/HH people there, and I think it would be...
  5. SigningTinker

    Signing and Driving.

    As my Mother and I were driving down the road this morning, I saw a man driving down a traffic-infested road while signing. :shock: (I can confirm that he was signing, he was using recognizable signs and talking about marriage.) I felt that it was dangerous, especially in traffic, and I was...
  6. SigningTinker

    The Argument

    One day a deaf boy and a blind girl were arguing. The deaf boy signed, "I said I don't wanna talk about it anymore!" and the blind girl said, "I don't understand the problem." The deaf boy says, "Are you deaf?! I said I don't wanna talk about it!" The blind girl says, "No but you are. I still...
  7. SigningTinker

    Yawning VS Screaming?

    Before you start typing, this isn't a joke. How do Deaf/HH people tell if someone is yawning or screaming? I've yawned around one of my deaf friends, and she gave me an odd look. Is it possible that they get the two confused? :roll:
  8. SigningTinker

    Hi! I'm SigningTinker!

    I am a hearing person with a very large interest in deaf culture, ASL/Signed English, and learning anything I can about it. I am learning ASL/Signed English (I put '/' because I'm learning both), and I have a few deaf and HH friends. It's really nice to meet you all! :wave: