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  1. A

    We. Have. A. Big. ****ing. Problem. Here.

    Anyone can be passionate about something to a level they want to teach it to other people.
  2. A

    Hearing steadily getting worse, learn ASL now?

    We've decided we're going to enroll as a pair in an ASL class at our local community college. We debated on possibly having her learn cued speech as opposed to both of us learning ASL, since really if I was just able to understand what she was saying I can speak back, but we decided we'd rather...
  3. A

    Hearing steadily getting worse, learn ASL now?

    I'm 26, and as of this moment I can hear well enough to talk to familiar people so long as I'm paying attention and there isn't a ton of background noise. But if they're facing away from me, or there's background noise, or music, or a TV on, then I might as well not even be listening. This is...