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  1. dedzrock

    Who knows NTID/RIT for foreign students? Apply for scholarship?

    Any experiences? Hope you will help me. :>
  2. dedzrock

    Thinking about NTID-RIT

    Required to get 2.5 or higher GPA. US studying is expensive especially foreign students.
  3. dedzrock

    Thinking about NTID-RIT

    If I contact them so accept for scholarship?
  4. dedzrock

    Thinking about NTID-RIT

    Really? I see. I want to know NTID/RIT about Grant Scholarship.
  5. dedzrock

    Thinking about NTID-RIT

    I would like to study at RIT-NTID but I don't know how to apply for scholarship if they support International deaf student as just like me? I think it will require to learn English and ASL first?
  6. dedzrock

    Hi! I am new

    I am really sorry. I doesn't know about it. Will you help me? :)
  7. dedzrock

    Hi! I am new

    I'm from Philippines. I am deaf and oralism. I want to learn how to use American Sign Language because I am interested. Can you help me the details of AllDeaf? Nice to meet you.