Search results

  1. sylbea

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    I've been asking myself this for a while now, and would like for this to be the place where you can discuss your own experiences of adjusting to the "hearing" world, and the obstacles you have had to endure, and whether you consider yourself "oral" or among the Deaf, or both. I'm...
  2. sylbea

    For ORALISTS: Do people ever take you seriously?

    For those of you who can speak despite your deafness, how do people generally treat you? Do you often feel you are not being taken seriously because of how you communicate with them? Assuming you can lipread, do you find it difficult to listen to them speak as well? Say, even if your speaking...
  3. sylbea

    Foreign languages (sign or oral)

    Hi all, I am curious as to whether any of you, signers or oralists, know any other language besides your native language? If so, what are your reasons for learning it? Is it because of the changing economies in today's world, or an appreciation for languages? For example if you only know ASL...