Search results

  1. Mr Goobler

    What Classic PS1 and PS2 Games do you think should be in PS Store?

    The only game I ever wanted to see a ps2 game getting into PS Store is Scarface: The World is Yours.
  2. Mr Goobler

    What Game Are You Playing Now?

    I just come out of Mass Effect 3 a while ago. I've played Skyrim, Assassin Creed 3, Borderlands 2 on PS3 and little bit of Age of Conan on my friend's PC in the last week :)
  3. Mr Goobler

    What game are you getting this year 2013?

    Aliens Colonial Marnies GTA 5. Tomb Raider The Walking Dead: Surivival Instinct if their gameplay impress me (Walking Dead Episodes 1-5 were amazing) As a semi-retried COD player, I'm not really Fussed in Modern Warfare 4.
  4. Mr Goobler

    Anyone plays Dust 514 Beta???

    The gameplay was OKAY but i'm impressed with varitites of armour, weapons, etc. Overall of the game. I don't think that it will be a special game.
  5. Mr Goobler

    Your top 10+ favorite movies of 2012

    Isn't it "That's my SON"? My Top 5 (Not in order) Avengers Skyfall Project X Django Unchained Dark Knight Rise
  6. Mr Goobler

    Hello :-)

    It was JPEG file. Otherwise I finally got to put the avatar in.
  7. Mr Goobler

    Hello :-)

    Hello. I'm new here. Little help with the avatar as I can't get to put an avatar for my profile. I tried to upload at least 90x90 picture (1.5kb) as an avatar but it keeping saying UNVAILD. Any advice? And I'm from England.
  8. Mr Goobler

    Anyone plays Dust 514 Beta???

    ^ As the title says. Verdict??
  9. Mr Goobler

    Assassin's Creed 3

    Have Assassin Creed 3 here, I plays multiplayers more often than single player on PS3. Anyone like to join me in there. Ask for my PSN.
  10. Mr Goobler

    Borderlands 2

    I have Borderlands 2 too. Level 50 Zer0 on PS3. Currently Level 19 on Siren. As for someone who metioning about the rocket laucher, I, too have one that's worth over 400,000 damage. By the way, New DLC, Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt's Witch Doctors are really annoying. P.S. I have Borderlands 1...