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  1. A

    Curious about.. Aspys/Aspergers

    I have Asperger's. I am Hard of Hearing, not due to genetics, but because of an accident. Asperger's has absolutely nothing to do with hearing loss, and hearing loss has absolutely nothing to do with Asperger's. If you have evidence other than observation, rather than study, then present...
  2. A

    I desire to learn ASL, help??

    I live in St. George. Are there any free groups down here to learn? I am slowly going deaf. I am completely deaf in my left ear, and a 20 percent loss in my right one. The Doctors expect me to lose my hearing entirely at some point. I'd rather learn now how to communicate than to the point...
  3. A

    Going deaf

    I have been slowly going deaf since I was 12 when I lost all the hearing in my left ear. I read lips fairly well, and cope that way. There is a high likelihood that I will lose the hearing in my right ear within the next 10 years. I figure I should start to learn to communicate using ASL...