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  1. M

    If you died.. what would you let others do? (internet)

    We were just talking about an article in Mother Earth News at dinner about home burial, my dd (4yo) started asking if we were going to bury ME in the backyard :giggle:
  2. M

    Early Intervention: The Missing Link

    I know, it's the waiting that is maddening. Tuesday can't come fast enough. I've started sign with him already and my partner was looking at signs on a site he found so he is on board too.
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    Early Intervention: The Missing Link

    Lots to think about with this. I'm so very thankful that I have taken ASL 1-3 that covered some of these issues. No idea what we will do if DS is Deaf/HOH but I KNOW we will start with ASL.
  4. M

    AllDeaf mobile

    It sucks to load each post if it's a long one. I've cursed (totally jokingly) people who use the quote feature.
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    ENT apt; what to expect?

    Wirelessly posted Grrr. I kinda have issues with the medical model of care already.
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    ENT apt; what to expect?

    Wirelessly posted Thanks for the input. So much to think about.
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    ENT apt; what to expect?

    We have an appointment with an ENT in about a week to see if my DS is hoh/deaf. Wondering if anyone has been through this process and what to expect there? What can be determined at this young age (4 months)? TIA!
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    Wirelessly posted Thanks everyone. We are in ohio so OSD is our school. We actually live fairly close to the school. I have no idea what we will do as far as interventions. Not even sure about pre school, we are doing homeschool for my dd so the idea of separation of us at a young age breaks...
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    We are on a journey to figure out what is going on with my son, he is 4 months old and pretty sure he is HOH or Deaf. We have an ENT appointment in a couple of weeks as a starting point. We also have a referral for a geneticist as a starting place for some other issues (behind on milestones...