Search results

  1. sidetracht

    Monkeys & Apes

    OH! Japanese macaques!
  2. sidetracht

    Monkeys & Apes

    Oooh, monkeys and apes--some of my favorites! My favorites are orangutans. So peaceful, so beautiful, and so intelligent. Gibbons are pretty lovely, but they have incredibly loud and intense screams that are very haunting. Not as bad as howler monkeys, though--they're the frat boys of the...
  3. sidetracht

    met online and had sex

    Yeahhh I've definitely met someone and gotten naked within a short span of time. The key is to use protection and to have someone know where you are. That said, if you put out quickly you should know that a fair amount of people will just think they got what they came for (no pun intended) and...
  4. sidetracht

    Man bites woman, claims to be 500-year-old vampire

    "the pierced and tattooed Bensley" Just pointing out that 99% of people with body modifications frown on this kind of behavior. Way to make us all look bad! (Also the vampire craze needs to stop. Seriously. So does the zombie one.)
  5. sidetracht

    UN what to promote BUGS for FOOD for Everyone!

    My parents went traveling and brought back ants and made all their friends try them before saying "HAHA YOU'RE EATING ANTS!!" That said, in areas where protein and other nutrients are scarce, insects would make an excellent source of protein. Also, anthropologist moment: people in some...
  6. sidetracht

    Botti How?

    He sounds like a classy fella--what with the ODing on crack and shooting cats and all.
  7. sidetracht

    Botti How?

    I'm so sorry for your loss. We had a poodle when I was younger and they're a great breed. I know what you mean on getting along better with people than animals--I feel the same way. And when you lose them it feels like a part of your heart has been ripped out and squeezed in front of you and...
  8. sidetracht

    Newbie, recently discovered to be hard of hearing

    Admittedly, I was flipping channels and there was a special behind the scenes look at Switched At Birth and sign language has always interested me so I stopped. I know, I know! But one of the main actresses was saying that she took a hearing test randomly and had no idea she qualified for...
  9. sidetracht

    Worst states

    I'm so sorry you had to go there. Dallas really is one of my least favorite places in Texas. You should visit Austin; it's really nice there and significantly less of a shithole. I've also been told that there's a cluster of cities in East Texas called "The Brown Triangle": Beaumont, Port...
  10. sidetracht

    Newbie, recently discovered to be hard of hearing

    I really am interested in learning ASL, yes. I think it would be nice to be able to communicate with other hard of hearing people with more ease, and it would prepare me for the future in case I lose all my hearing. I'm looking into it! :) Hiya! I'm guessing mine is going to progress as...
  11. sidetracht

    Worst states

    I've never really been in Buda proper, but I'm hopefully going there to swim with a capybara this weekend. :) Some small towns in Texas aren't so bad. Others are beyond depressing.
  12. sidetracht

    Picture of your pets

    Here are mine! Irving the guinea pig was the love of my life; he passed away last month at the young age of three and a half after years of lung problems. He is dearly missed and I still think of him as my pet. Irving (right) is survived by Henry (left). He's a little punk who's trying very...
  13. sidetracht

    Worst states

    Kyle, TX is a small town that is depressing as all get out. 98% of the houses out there came there on wheels. There's lots of green pastures, but they all have cow patties in them. For Texas's bad areas: Houston and Dallas. Metropolitan shitholes. Other states: I've been through most states in...
  14. sidetracht

    Newbie, recently discovered to be hard of hearing

    Hi everyone- I apologize in advance for the mini-novel here--I tend to ramble sometimes but I figured I'd smash through the walls of lurkerdom with a flamboyant entrance! After several years of my hearing steadily getting worse, I started to realize that turning the TV super loud and...