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  1. 1

    Who has the Sonic Boom Alarm Clock?

    I have one too! It works great, although I left the alarm going when I was away once too, and the pad broke. So watch out for that one!
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    Hearing aids each configured to the wrong ear and hearing loss?

    Hi VamPyroX... Yes, I did. I wore the hearing aids the right way around (or so I thought), that wasn't the problem LOL! The problem was that (which has now been confirmed) they originally got my ears the wrong way around when they did the hearing test. So they thought my bad ear was the...
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    Hearing-Deaf Etiquette

    I had that last week! I was asked if deaf people can drive, and she knows I drive! I don't know if I found it rude or not, kinda did but kinda didn't. Just confusing.
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    lose a body function

    I wouldn't want to lose any body function or body part! However, teeth can be replaced with fake ones, and once it's done it's done and the function is returned to me. Plus there are many options be it dentures or permanent, or whathaveyou. So I'd go with that.
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    Deafness and pet peeves about society

    I normally wait until I mis hear / don't hear and then explain that I'm deaf, but actually I've never tried the 'I'm deaf, I need to speechread'! Will give it a go, I'll be interested to see if this along with body language makes a difference!
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    Hair Pulling....

    I twiddle and pull out a few strands at a time, regularly, throughout the day. But don't ingest them. It's come on over the last year or so. I do it without knowing I'm doing it and I have RSI in my hands from the repetitive motion! I'm CONSTANTLY doing SOMETHING with my hands, the only I do it...
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    Deafness and pet peeves about society

    My pet peeve is that once I tell someone I am deaf, suddenly this is all I am. A deaf person. It takes them a while to forget it and start treating me normally again. My other pet peeve is when I tell them I lipread, they suddenly start forcing over exaggerated mouth movements. :roll: :crazy:
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    What communications do you use while socializing with a group of hearing people?

    I lipread but it's much harder in a group conversation. I can only follow one person speaking at a time. But in groups, people talk over each other and interrupt and I usually miss parts of conversation. For a long time people thought I was thick because I'd say stupid things in response to...
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    Would you choose be hearing?

    I'd love to be able to hear like hearies can! ...But I always then think 'But then I wouldn't quite be me...' I wouldn't want to be 'stuck' as a hearie. I'd like to be able to choose to come back to myself too.
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    Color hearing aids/molds

    I was surprised to find that when I moved and went to the new local audiology department they gave me the choice of coloured aids! in the old NHS department I used they only gave them to children. I was so excited to be given choice of colour! I went with silver backs and 'mother of pearl'...
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    why do hearing people think they better than us?

    Oddly, I have never realised that 'hearing impaired' is considered as offensive. I was always told I'm 'hearing impaired' and that term gets used on the telly so I just... *shrug* I've been more concerned not to call myself 'deaf' in case that offends people who are entirely deaf. I'm really...
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    How do you cope with LOUD tinnitus at night?

    I'm glad you're finding something that helps! I have tinnitus, although it fluctuates and mostly it isn't loud. However, when it is loud with capital L O U D -impossible-to-ignore-or-get-to-sleep level, I have found it has been after I've had enough wine to be tipsy (or more). I'm fine on the...
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    Hearing aids each configured to the wrong ear and hearing loss?

    Hi Buffalo, no I couldn't because they were two different types of hearing aids (or at least I didn't think I could). I had one with an ear mould and the other which is a discreet looking aid with very thin tubes and a little nob that is inserted into the ear canal. Sorry I'm not very clued up...
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    Hearing aids each configured to the wrong ear and hearing loss?

    Hi Sallylou thank you for the welcome :) ! Yeah I had a feeling someone might say that... The reality of the possibility of this is just dawning on me I think. Weird, it kind of feels like being a 'hearing person' finding out they might end up deaf, despite the fact that for as long as I...
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    It's great to be here

    Hello everyone, I'm 26 and from the UK, and have been hearing impaired since I was three, they think. The loss was stable until the last few months, and the difference is now more noticeable. I am more frustrated more often, asking people to repeat more often, and feel myself relying on...
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    Any hard-of-hearing ppl raised in the hearing world?

    Hello, I'm hard of hearing raised in the hearing world. To be honest I never really got the choice of getting involved in the deaf community, as a child I didn't even know there was one! They think my hearing went when I was three, but wasn't actually tested until I was 7. i had a special...
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    Hearing aids each configured to the wrong ear and hearing loss?

    Hi Everyone! This is my first post and it's good to be here! I have stumbled across this forum in a bit of an emotional state as I feel quite helpless and uninformed, and a bit isolated at the moment. Nobody around me has hearing impairments and sometimes it just feels like they can't really...