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  1. E

    Deaf who voice...need advice

    ASL vs voice Not all deaf people use ASL. I don't...I never learned it. I have the ability to speak and I use it. I suppose that someday I will learn sign but since I can talk, I talk. In fact, most people can't tell from my speech that I can't hear. I took speech therapy for many years as...
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    Deaf Drivers in the World

    Deaf drivers I'm deaf and I do one thing that may surprise you...I drive an AMBULANCE. It has proven time and again that deaf/HOH drivers are actually safer because we are more visually attuned to what's going on around us. I have an excellent safety record. I suppose there aren't too many deaf...
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    United Healthcare pays for HAs thanks to ADA

    Uhc I have Optima and they won't pay a dime. My new HAs are costing me $3700 out of pocket.
  4. E

    What is UP with lack of HD CC????

    When I watch TV, I have to watch just plain digital cable. There is no CC on the hi-def and that is infuriating. I complained to my local cable company and did they do anything? No! They didn't even bother to respond. Am I the only one upset about this? We have all of this modern technology...
  5. E

    After a pet passes

    Tough question My beloved cat passed away on March 4 of this year (6 months ago today, actually) and it was only a couple of months after her death that we adopted another cat. It wasn't like we were looking for another cat. We were at the pet store and the SPCA was having an adoption day. We...
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    Hello From Norfolk, VA

    My name is Laura and I live in Norfolk, VA. I was born with a profound hearing loss and now have a severe to near-total loss (about 15% remains). I'm 40 years old and a lab technician/EMT. This seems to be a great site and it has a lot of information on it. I'm glad I found it.
  7. E

    What is your favourite type of aid?

    Fave HA Siemens...definitely. I've been wearing hearing aids all my life and only a few pairs of them over the years have been a different brand. I'm in the process of getting new ones right now and I'm going to get the Siemens Pure 501 BTEs. I've tried them out and I love them. Right now, I...