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  1. S

    HH to Deaf Living with Sensitive Hearing Person

    We have been together many, many years. My hearing is progressively worse. I am told, "Lower your voice." I cannot tell (and haven't for at least 30 years) what my volume is and I tried - bought a DB meter but that didn't work. I can hear my voice. My partner is noise sensitive...
  2. S

    hoh to deaf poem

    I wrote this around 1988. The Loud Lips of Life sitting here… watching my trees dance to the muted tune of a breeze two birds lovingly wing their way through the sun-glistening evergreen as a hummingbird stands on the wind for a Santa-red drink from its feeder. squirrels play tag...
  3. S

    Who here has a signal/hearing dog?

    I'm in the process of training my corgi to tell me things like the phone's ringing, an alarm is going off, something dropped on the floor, someone's at the door, etc. I went to both the San Fran ASPCA and CCI years ago to consider getting a trained dog but couldn't deal with having it around me...