Search results

  1. scwids

    vocational rehabilition

    :ty: :ty: :ty:
  2. scwids

    Is this Rude or Unfair to the interpreters?

    A completely reasonable request From what you describe, you are not at all asking for Signed Exact English (SEE), which is a formal structure that is different from PSE or ASL. You seem to need a transliterator, which per the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf in the US is an interpreter...
  3. scwids


    CI meningitis risk I don't know if I would use the word "slightly" - the MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report) that makes the vaccine recommendations sites the Reefhuis study from the New England Journal of Medicine. That study showed that CI users have a 30 TIMES greater chance of...
  4. scwids

    Rock & a Hard Place

    This is really depressing. Putting aside for a moment how simply rude this woman was, she has also clearly gotten some really bad information. It boggles my mind that with all the research on both hearing and deaf children and L1/L2 language acquisition (Daniels, Mayberry, Yoshinaga-Itano...
  5. scwids

    NIC Test Results

    NIC results Thanks much!! :wave:
  6. scwids

    NIC Test Results

    NIC results I recently took my interview and performance, and got my results back in 5 weeks, so they are doing pretty well in terms of turnaround time. (And got NIC-Advanced - yay!) Best of luck! :thumb: