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    Learn to read and write foreign languages

    Arabic isn't very common outside of New York and other major cities in North America... and it especially isn't written since we Americans tend to be fearful of things we cannot understand. But Spanish is everywhere!
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    Learn to read and write foreign languages

    I wouldn't necessarily say Arabic is more "useful." Spanish is more widely used (al least in North America) than Arabic is, but I feel Arabic is prettier to look at... Ultimately, the decision is up to you.
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    foreign language

    People refer to inanimate objects in English as "she" when they really like it, hold it in some sort of regard, or if they are speaking figuratively about a country (unless it's Germany, since they call it the "fatherland," then it's a he). Though some languages may be much more complex than...
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    Learn to read and write foreign languages

    I've studied many foreign languages including Arabic (I'm a hearing linguistics student) and it is extremely difficult. The alphabet is probably the easiest part of the whole language, lol. The main problem is that Arabic does not write vowels, so it is very hard to remember what word means...